I'm a Marked Woman

In honor of this upcoming Memorial Day, I thought this was the perfect time to show you all my tattoo!  I was never sure that I ever wanted a tattoo, but I was not against the idea.  I just knew that if I ever got one it would have to be something that really meant something to me...something I wouldn't ever get sick of {because duh, they're permanent!}

Well a few weeks after we got married, I finally realized I did want one and knew exactly what I would get.  Skip and I went to the tattoo place together and we both got some ink that day.  He got a compass on his back with my name above it...and I got this!

I absolutely love it!  I wanted a way to always remember Skip's deployment and how strong we came through it together.  It is located on my lower back.
I am happy that I will always have a physical reminder of Skip on me!


  1. I am not a big tattoo fan, but I really love this!

  2. I just got a new tattoo yesterday, funny that you posted this! I asked him yesterday if he could tattoo a yellow ribbon on my ankle..I was going to get it next week!!! I love where yours is too. :D

  3. I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I have a problem with commitment... not to the hubs, but to inking myself!!! lol...

  4. Love it. I'm addicted to tattoos and it's fortunate that I can't afford anymore. :)

  5. I wanted a tattoo and then didn't and now can't decide. My issue is that they are permanent and I can't figure out what to put on me forever! I love yours though! The perfect tattoo that you will never get tired of seeing!

    I also feel as though I should tell you that we can't be friends anymore now that I've seen how freaking tiny you are! I would never wear a bikini around you, for fear of looking like a whale!! Just kidding of course, except that you are seriously putting me to shame in the bikini department!! :)


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