Rear vs. Forward Facing

I completely forgot to write a follow up to this post.  After a lot of research {and comments from you guys!}, Skip and I have decided to keep Little M rear-facing for at least 2 years old.  She is just a little peanut still at only 22 lbs and I just feel safer keeper her rear-facing.  She does fuss sometimes but overall isn't that bad.  And to be honest, I will deal with the screaming and fussing as long as she's safe.  I don't want to sound all preachy or anything.  Each person needs to do what they feel comfortable with.  This is just what is going to work best for us!


  1. we kept J rear facing until he was almost 2 (I think like 20 something months?) The point we turned him around was when he became so miserable that he was screaming the entire time in the car every time, and it was so distracting it really became unsafe! He is so much happier now that he is 2 and forward facing.

  2. Thank you, Mandy! I hope to get everything on my list crossed off! I love yours also! And I'm so glad I came across this post. My daughter will be one on the 9th and I was going to turn her seat around. After reading your post, I did a little research and think I'm going to keep her rear facing for a while longer. So thank you :)

  3. We switched Preston around about a month after he turned one. Somedays I wish that we hadn't because so much research shows how much safer rear facing is. I figure switching him back after he got a taste for is really wouldn't make car rides go over well! I try to comfort myself that it worked for us because Preston was a much bigger child. He outgrew his infant seat at 6 months! And at this point he's past the max amount that his car seat allows for rear facing, so we're in the clear! :) If I had to do it over again, I probably would have kept him rear facing longer though!


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