Repurposing Furniture

In this picture {from Christmas} you can see what our 'fake' leather ottoman looks like.

When I got it last spring, it was exactly what this room needed.  It is a storage ottoman and is a perfect place to hide all of Little M's toys when they are not strewn about the living room.  It really tied the space together as well.  I got it from Walmart and was really happy with what I got for the price.  I also know that I can't spend a lot of money on furniture these days with a toddler and two rambunctious puppies.

Well apparently there is another member of the family who does not share my love for the ottoman.   This guy....{this is his guilty face}

A few weeks ago Skip, Little M, and I headed out to run some errands.  Mr. B was sleeping peacefully on the couch so we just left him out.  Well apparently while we were gone he decided that he needed to TEAR APART THE TOP OF THE OTTOMAN!!  You can imagine how furious I was when we got home.  Even though it was not expensive, we have not had this piece of furniture for even a year, and on principle alone I did not want to replace it.  

So I decided to get some fabric and recover the top.  I bought some light tan micro-fiber fabric and borrowed my dad's super powerful staple gun and got to work.  I unscrewed the top of the ottoman from the base and ripped off the old leather.  I placed the top on the center of the fabric and stapled all the sides and edges

The corners were tough and I have no real advice on how to do them properly...but mine didn't turn out too shabby I don't think.

I'm very happy with the way the whole project turned out and very happy that I could refurbish it without having to replace it.  And I'm happiest to report that Mr. B has not even attempted to chew the new cover yet!


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