A Day at the Park

First off, thank you so much for all the comments on my last post...it was really interesting to read what you all had to say!  It gave me a lot to think about and I've pretty much decided that we will only know if we are having two or three kids after we have our next one.  In terms of spacing, my sisters and I were all three years apart and I really think a balance similar to that would work for our family.

But now onto yesterday.  We had an early Father's Day celebration.  Skip is working the 3 pm - 11 pm shift on Father's Day this year {as well as Friday, Saturday, and Monday}  We are still going to go out to lunch on Sunday and give him his presents then, but I wanted to do something else special for him.

We started the morning at a local park by us.  It literally has everything!  It has a miniature zoo with tons of animals, {Little M's favorite thing these days} a train that takes you around the park, a carousel, a playground, and tons of picnic tables.  We packed a lunch that morning and headed out.

It was one of the most wonderful times we've had as a family.  Little M was absolutely amazed by everything!  She got to run around and experience it all.  And she was sooo well-behaved...no fussing at all!

After our picnic lunch we headed back home and she took a long nap.  Then we all went to dinner at a local Italian place.  It wasn't the best experience we've had there, but our main courses were fabulous and again Little M was just so well behaved, sitting there nicely and eating her grilled cheese dinner.

We didn't want to have dessert there though so afterwards we went and got some ice cream at Dairy Queen.  Yum!!  It was just the perfect day to relax and spent time with our little family.  Here are just a few of the almost 200 pictures we took yesterday!!  What are your plans for Father's Day?

Heading into the zoo with Daddy

Checking out the animals

My favorites!

Skip telling Little M about all the animals

'Mommy, why can't I go in the pen with the turtles?'

Checking out what I thought was a llama...can't remember what it actually was

Best picture we could get of us in front of this barn

Riding high to see the bison

First train ride!

First time on the carousel

As soon as it started she cried out 'Oh wow!'

Love her

On the playground

Enjoying lunch in the park

Busy morning...she passed right out in the car!


  1. Love the pics,what a great park!
    Family outings are the best,especially when the kids are little,mine are all becoming teens and not wanting to hang with us old rents that much,so relish the time with your little one!
    For Fathers day we will be going to my dads for a family BBQ,then on Monday taking my husband and the FIl out to dinner.

  2. Love all the pictures! Little M is so adorable :) I love little family fun days. For Father's Day we will be going to brunch then probably taking the kids to visit Grandpa :)

  3. LOVE IT!!!!

    Fathers Day for us... NO PLANS! The Mr. has to work H3 (Third Shift, house side... lol basically 3pm-11pm) and he always requests we do nothing. He did nothing for me for fathers day, I am actually doing nothing for him either! We'll see how he likes it!

  4. She is so adorable! Look at those little pig tails :) That sounds like such a peaceful and memorable day, I love times like those where it's just me and my little family enjoying life. Those are the moments we'll remember in 50 years!

  5. I LOVE her little pig tails. That sounds like an amazing park. Glad you all had such a wonderful time.

  6. I have a blog award for you over at my blog!!!

  7. I love the first carousel ride! It's such a fun experience to watch their little faces when it starts to move.

  8. I wish we had somewhere like that around here! We don't even have a zoo! :( It looks like you guys had a blast! I love the photo of Little M sleeping in her car seat! And do you always have bangs? I've never noticed them in photos before, are they just pulled up usually?


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