Beach Bunny

We managed to do alot on our short little vacation so I'm going to split it up into a few posts.  We spent the majority of the time though just relaxing on the beach!  We spent alot of time on the beach last summer too, but this was the first time Little M was walking and running on the beach!  It took her a minute to get used to the sand, but then she was off!  She loved chasing seagulls, walking with Daddy, digging in the sand with her bucket and shovel, and staring out at the waves {though she *hates* putting her feet in the water....maybe because it was only 60*!!} I love the beach more than any other place in the world and I am so glad my daughter has taken such a liking to it as well.  Here are some pictures from our two days enjoying the sand and surf.

Eating a sweet treat from Daddy!
Not sure what this face is about!

Chocolate face!

View on the it!

Putting sand in the bucket

So happy she likes wearing her hat

Beach bunnies! {yes that is a new bikini...I stupidly left all of mine at home!}

Love this little girl!


  1. I love the pictures!!!! Your daughter is ADORABLE!!!! I love her already!!!!

  2. She is adorable!! I love her little hat... wish my daughter would keep one on!!

    ahh this makes me miss the beach!


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