Catch Up

 I have been kind of MIA from the blogging world recently.  I have been keeping up with all your blogs, but by the time I am able to sit down at the computer and really dedicate some time to it, I am so far behind reading I don't really have time to comment.  I promise to get better about that!

Part of the reason I have been so busy is all the family time we have been spending.  We had a playdate with my SIL and nephew {who at six months is bigger than Little M...he's going to be a football stud for sure!}  We had my parents, sister, and her bf over for dinner, and Skip's parents over for lunch.  And with all of that comes a lot of cooking and Father's Day gift buying and wrapping {on top of all the regular housework and stuff}.  So we've been busy.

Another reason  I have been busy is that Little M has decided to hit the 'terrible twos' a whole six months early {though my mom assures me that this is totally normal}  Skip and I have been knee deep in Little M's tantrums.  She is just screaming  Some of it is that she gets frustrated with her inability to communicate with us exactly what she wants.  With those situations we are trying to help her learn more words or find other ways to communicate.  But other times she is just screaming because she wants something she can't have or wants to do something she isn't allowed to. In those situations we have started doing time-outs.  She is still very young and doesn't quite get the concept, but we are trying to show her that there are consequences for her actions.  We also want to stay on top of her tantrums now before they get too out of control.  I love my little girl with every fiber of my being, but these past few days have been very trying.  Thankfully my mom is coming over tomorrow so I can have some me time at the nail salon tomorrow, yay pedicures!  And Skip surprised me with a gift certificate for a massage the other day {best.husband.ever} and I am counting down the days until I can use it next week!

So that is what we have been up to.  I promise to get back into more blogging again.  Any extra advice of what we should be doing with Little M would be greatly appreciated!


  1. Didn't you know the terrible twos start when they turn one!? Someone told me that and I now believe it! I feel your pain girl.

  2. Terrible two started early here too! Way early! They got a little bit of a start at 9 months! I remember asking out ped if temper tantrums were normal at that age and he just laughed! lol. And full terrible twos seemed to hit around 18 months. It comes and goes. Every once in a while when I'm fully expecting meltdowns and a horrible trip Preston surprises me and is awesome! I've heard three is worse, which completely terrifies me since we're going to be there next month! I'll let you know how that goes! Ha!

    We did start timeouts early too with all that naughty early. We tried a lot of different methods and it took a while to find something that worked for us but eventually we got there. Preston now takes his timeouts in our walk in closet. It's half the size of a bedroom and bc it's a closet it doesn't have any toys. I didn't want him to have toys available during a time out!

    I'm horrible about commenting when I read posts! I stay caught up on my reading but since I do a lot of it on my phone I go in and comment later! Hence my million comments at a time! :)


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