First Overnight FAIL

As you can probably tell, since I am posting this blog from my house, things did not go so well today.  Little M and I hit the road at 10:15.  We were doing really well for about 45 minutes and then BAM....dead stopped traffic.  Bumper to bumper, barely moving.  The next three hours I sat in traffic, got off that highway and onto another, managed to use the most disgusting gas station bathroom I have ever seen while holding a toddler the entire time, had only a diet coke and gummy bears for lunch, and then sat in even more traffic.  When I hit the three hour mark I realized that I was only HALF WAY to my destination.  At that point I was at a crossroads.  I was about 65 miles from my friend's party, my sister, and my house.  So in my exhausted, hungry, hot, and frustrated state I made the decision to just turn around and come home.  Two more hours, another bathroom stop, and a pacifier flushed down the toilet later, we were home.

I was, and still am, really bummed that we had to miss our friend's party and we didn't get to hang out with my sister.  And I'm really frustrated that I pretty much just drove around in a giant circle for five hours.  But  I do think that I made the right decision in coming home.

Thankfully, during the entire trip, Little M could not have been more perfect.  She did not fuss AT ALL!  She napped, ate her lunch, and watched Alvin and the Chipmunks the Sqeakquel three whole times {we do not install the portable DVD player in the car unless we are going on a 2+ hour trip, but for those long rides it is an absolute LIFESAVER...seriously}  She made the day so much easier on her Mommy and I could not be prouder of her.

So now I'm home, relaxing on the couch with Skip, a belly full of Friendly's food, trying to figure out when I can drive down to see my sister and attempt this again {but maybe not like, this week, haha}

Oh, and in case you were curious, this is what was causing the miles and miles of traffic.

A nice little sinkhole on the Turnpike.  Thanks New Jersey roads....thanks


  1. That freakin' blows!!!! I would have gone home too. I would have been in no position to be at a party after a five/six hour road trip!!!

    Stupid sink hole!!

    I'm glad that you're home safely!!!

  2. I seriously can't believe that you had to spend that long in the car and you were all hyped up to go and only ended up back at home after getting no where! Poor Mommy!! Awesome that Little M did so great! Those little tvs are amazing for car rides! We throw ours in too when we go anywhere longer than an hour in a half to two hours. It just makes the drive sooooo much easier! I hope that you can figure out another time to try the same drive! And when you are seasoned pro you could always drive across country and come visit us! :)

  3. Aw, I'm sorry it didn't go as planned! That's crazy with the hole!

  4. That sucks! But sounds like it was an ok decision.


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