First Overnight

Tomorrow Little M and I are embarking on our first ever overtime trip all by ourselves!  My friend's nephew is turning 2 and since he and Little M are destined to marry one day, we are of course packing up the car and heading down to south Jersey to attend his birthday party!  We are then going to head over to my sister's place {she lives a lot closer to the party than I do} and spend the night with her.

I am excited for Little M to get to play with her little 'boyfriends' and it will be so great to spend a relaxing night with my big sis {and sleep in her guest room which seriously looks like it is straight out of a hotel} but I am still embarking on this journey with the slightest bit of nervousness.  It will be a long day with just me and the baby and lots of driving.  But what makes me saddest is that it is our first night away from Skip!  I have this slight crazy obsession attachment to him and hate to leave him :(  Silly and ridiculous I know!    But I know it will be a really fun day/night for both Little M and I!


  1. Just think of it like when he takes overtime and is gone all night - then it won't seem so strange!

  2. oh girl, praying for you!! you are brave it just being you and him!! Thinking of you and hope that you have a wonderful trip and it goes smoothly!

  3. Have a safe trip!!! Bring back lots of pictures!!!!

  4. I'm sure you will have a great time!

  5. Hope you have a great time on your trip. I know when we take Layla on long car trips she typically just sleeps, so hopefully Little M will too :)


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