Getting to Know Me

Today I actually decided to participate in the Sunday edition of Getting to Know You.  Head on over there and check it out yourself!

The Questions

1.If you had 5000.00 to spend on plastic surgery what would you have done?
             A boob job....and get my nose fixed!!
2. Do you watch Soap operas and if so what is your favorite and why?
             I don't have the time to watch it every day, but I just *love* General Hospital.  I started watching it with my mom when I was little {I'm talking Frisco days} and have been watching it off and on since.  I love  that even if I don't watch it for a few weeks I can still catch right back up!
3. Favorite clothing brand?
            Anything at Kohls.  I'm not a fancy person, nor do I have tons of money to spend on clothes.  So Kohl's it is!
4. An afternoon shopping spree at your favorite store or maid service for a year?
           I'll be totally honest...I really had to think about this one.  And you may think I'm crazy, but I'm going to choose the shopping spree!  I really don't mind cleaning...and I would feel weird with a stranger going through all my stuff.  So I pick the shopping! 
5. would you ever vajazzle?
            Umm, no
6. Favorite Disney Princess?
            Sleeping Beauty!
7. Last movie that made you bawl your eyes out?
           Skip and I watched "The Messenger" last night.  It is about two guys whose job it is in the Army to notify the next of kin when someone is killed.  Very very sad.
8. Have you ever broken any bones and if so what?
             Nope!  And hoping to keep it that way


  1. I adore Kohls.... I rarely go there cause the girls think its a free for all!!! lol!!!

  2. I totally just had to google "vajazzle"! Can't say I blame you for not wanting to do it! I'm going to go ahead and pass on that one too!


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