Miscellany Monday

{one} My day started off with Little M covered in poop....then yogurt.

{two} Little M had at least 7 tantrums this morning

{three} I was eating M&M's and drinking Diet Coke by 10

{four} My husband secretly loves watching Army Wives.  He made me watch it again at midnight when he got home from work because he had missed it!

{five}  I bought a pack of the new Huggies Jean Diapers today.  Because they are so darn cute.  And it is way too hot for Little M to wear shorts

{six} My sister just texted me and said she wants to watch Little M tomorrow night so the husband and I can go on a movie date....she is my favorite person right now

{seven} This heat really needs to break.  Don't get me wrong, I love the 90* temperatures...but it is too hot to take Little M out and I *really* need to be able to take her out

{eight} Skip is working his second 16-hour shift at work today...which means he hasn't seen Little M since Saturday...and won't see her until tomorrow.  Even though she has been screaming all day, I think I've gotten the better end of the deal


  1. Haha, I've had mornings where i've been eating stuff like that so early.

  2. Love this!! We would be great friends with the M&M's and diet coke!! :)

  3. Oh I remember those long days without hubby to help at all and him not seeing Layla. He worked full 9 hour days and then went straight to night classes so I had EVERYTHING put on me. I feel for you!

  4. Mornings are not supposed to start covered in poop or with tanturms! That should be a rule! And it's rough when your husband works that much and you don't get a little break from the temper tantrum thrower! But I know the feeling of knowing that even with the naughty poop covered moments, staying home with Preston is the better end of the deal! Most of the time! lol

  5. I still have mornings/days like this.


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