Wordless Wednesday

Here are some pictures from a few weeks ago when Little M decided she needed to wear my hoodie all day.


  1. She is so cute! I love that she's just hanging out in your hoodie!

    I get the bangs thing! I tried them a year ago I think, but I wasn't willing to fully commit to the side bangs look so I asked her to give me just a little so I could do it if I wanted and hide it if I wanted, well I left with just the right amount of side bangs but after I washed my hair I couldn't find them! I guess that means she did a good job bc I wanted to be able to hide them? lol

  2. Love it!!!!!!

    I like the pictures on the left side too!!!! lol.

  3. It's so funny when little ones get something in their head and won't let go of it! Layla insisted on wearing sunglasses all day one day, even when we were inside. Such cute pictures Mandy!


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