At the Beach, At the Beach, It's a Great Day at the Beach

I made it!!!  Little M and I successfully made it to the beach and had our first overnight visit sans Skip.  We missed him a lot but were too busy having a wonderful time to get too sad.  It was so wonderful to spend so much time with my big sister L.  We relaxed, played, and spent some time on the island.  We got to go to a huge craft fair, eat my favorite pizza in the world for lunch, pick up some *amazing* fudge, and of course take a walk on the beach!  It was really cloudy so we didn't stay long, but my sis {the best photographer I've ever seen} did manage to get some awesome shots of me and Little M before the rain came down.  I'll let them speak for themselves!

Smiles for Aunt L

Think she's having fun?

My beach girl

She loved playing in the water this time!  Can't wait to get her in there in her bathing suit!

And the best part of all this?  We are still down the shore until Tuesday with the husband.  Loving all this relaxation!


  1. Sounds like fun! I love the pictures!! Wish I was at the beach.........

  2. Great pictures! Little M looks like she is having a blast! I hope the weather gets better for you!

  3. so sweet! I love the pictures...just love them!

  4. Finally made my way over to your blog to check it out! I love it! Your little one is too cute and I love the pictures of the two of y'all! Enjoy your beach time!


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