Daddy's Girl

Little M refuses to say 'Momma' 'Mommy' 'Mom' or anything else like it.  Just simply refuses.  She says 'Elmo' so I know she can say the 'M' sound.  She just doesn't want to say my name.

On the other hand, 'Daddy' is everything.  She calls to him, says his name when he's not home, and excitedly yells 'Daddy' whenever she sees a picture of him.  And the icing on the cake?  As I was changing her diaper yesterday, Little M said, clear as day 'I love Daddy'.  That little stinker.  She can say 'I love Daddy' {and repeated it a few other times later} but will not say 'Mommy'.

I told Skip he's having the next kid.  And I'm changing my name to Daddy.


  1. Aww - sorry she's not saying Mommy, but what a cute story!! :) xoxoxo She really is adorable!

  2. Well, let's be honest, love is about actions, not words. And in action, it's clear that she loves BOTH of you like crazy!

  3. I wonder what little M says to Daddy when Mommy is away?

  4. Aww I know how you feel. Kenna rarely says Mommy. It is always Daddy or Dada. What is up with that??? We just have Daddy's girls I guess.

    Maybe you will have a boy later.... My son is SUCH a Momma's boy :)

  5. I love it!!! Have her call you something else... Does Skip have a nickname for you? My uncle called my Grandma Honey until my mom was born and my Grandpa started calling her (my Grandma) Mom. LOL!

  6. Aww. My son is totally going to do that. And what a great story for when she's older (and calling you Mommy All the time.)

  7. Haha, sounds just like my little girl. Whenever I say "Who loves you the most?" she shouts "DADDY DOES!" and I say what about Mommy and she says "No, only DADDY can love me cause I only love him too!"

  8. Maybe she doesn't say your name bc she knows you are never far enough away that she has to call for you! And she knows if she needs you, you already know bc you are her Mommy! Although that would drive me crazy not hearing Mama! Try bribing her! It's not fair that Daddy gets all the love! :)


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