Five Wonderful Years

Today Skip and I celebrate our five year wedding anniversary.  FIVE YEARS!!!  I cannot believe.  I honestly can't believe it has been that long.  It feels like just yesterday.  What's the saying?  Time flies when you're having fun!

We were just babies when we got married, I was 22 and Skip 23.  We had known each other for less than two years.  He had been home from Iraq for only a few months, and I had just graduated from college two months prior.  But we were in love.  Deep, passionate, real, forever love.  I honestly did not think I could love him more than at the moment I said "I do".

But the crazy thing is, I love him so much more now than I did July 29, 2005!!  Every day I find another reason to fall in love with Skip.  He is my husband, my love, the father of my child, my best friend.  There is no one else in the world I love more.  My favorite thing is just hanging out with him.  He brings out the best in me, and I hope I do the same with him.  He takes care of me, of our family.  He is better than any man I could have ever dreamed of.

Happy fifth anniversary Skip.  Here's to the next 75 years!

And now for some picture overload of our wedding!
Waiting at home

Being silly

My family

My dad walking me down the aisle

Taking our vows

First kiss

Love this one

Mr. and Mrs.

First dance..."I'll Stand By You" by the Pretenders

Cutting the cake

My girls

The boys singing "You've Lost That Loving Feeling" to me

Forever love

My favorite picture of us {even if it's blurry!}


  1. So sweet!! Happy anniversary!

  2. Happy Anniversary!!! I love the wedding photos!

  3. You made a beautiful bride! Loved your dress! Happy 5th anniversary!!!

  4. Congratulations on your 5 year anniversary! Ours is next month. Time certainly does fly when you're having fun. I hope you have many, many more wonderful years together!

  5. Happy Anniversary!!!! I can't wait to post my anniversary post in like 6 weeks!!! :-)

  6. I love the pictures!! Hope you guys had a fantastic anniversary!

    I love "Stand By Me"! Great choice!

  7. You were a gorgeous bride! Congrats on your anniversary!! I hope you celebrated in a big way!


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