Getting to Know Me!
1. If you had to choose a country to live in besides the USA (or the country you live in) which would it be?
France. I absolutely LOVED Paris. There was a ton to do, it was so gorgeous, and it didn't feel like a crazy congested city the way NYC does.
2. Which would be worse, wearing flip flops in the snow or wearing gloves in the summer?
Flip flips in the snow....I HATE being cold!!
3. Fried or Baked and why?
Really depends on what it is.
Chips - baked
Chicken - baked
Fries - well, fried
4. If you were an entertainment reporter, which celeb would you love to interview and why?
Patrick Dempsey...because I love him.
5. What was your favorite book as a preteen/teenager?
Little Women. I was also heavy into anything by Earnest Hemingway when I was in high school
6. List your top 3 guilty pleasure television shows:
Secret Life of the American Teenager
Pretty Little Liars
The Hills {sniff, sniff}
7. What bumper sticker slogan best describes you/your attitude/your life?
I Support Our Troops
8.If you were to join a circus- What performer would you be?
I have no idea! I don't want to join the circus!! haha
I already miss the Hills!!
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm with you on gloves in the summer. I despise being cold!!!