I Should Have Played the Lotto...

....because apparently today is my lucky day!  I won not one, but TWO blog giveaways!!!  Thanks so much to Trying Our Best and Marriage Confessions for hosting these giveaways...I can't wait to receive my prizes in the mail!

Now I am off to finish packing because we are headed off to the beach AGAIN tomorrow....this time for a whole week.  Wahoo!!  I promise lots of posts and pictures of all the fun things we're doing.  And a special post next Thursday dedicated to my husband on our five year wedding anniversary!!


  1. Happy Early five year anniversary!!!!!! :-)

    YAY for winning to blog giveaways!!!! I hope I can get some of your luck!!!

  2. Happy early 5-year anniversary!

    And yay for winning blog giveaways!

  3. How exciting! I have never won a giveaway, let alone two in one day!!

  4. Gah I'm still waiting for the day when I win ONE giveaway!! Yay for you :)

  5. Yay for winning blog giveaways! And for FIVE year anniversaries! And for the house next to us having internet so I can comment on your blog! :)


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