Mommy-Free Time

Today was a wonderful, wonderful relaxing day.  Since Skip spend most of Saturday on the boat with my dad, he told me I could take a day to myself this week, and I chose today.  I got up early and headed off to the myself!  No diapers, wipes, epi-pens, or water toys were in my beach bag.  Just some tanning lotion, a diet coke, and the book Eat, Pray, Love {totally behind everyone else on reading this, but I *love* it so far!}

I laid on the beach enjoying the sand and surf until about 11:30 when I had these guys come join me
Did you really think I could go the whole day without them??  We played on the beach for a little while and then went to lunch together..complete with the three of us sharing an ice cream sundae!  After lunch Skip took Little M back home for her nap and I headed back for some more beach time.

I came home in the afternoon to a happy husband and baby playing.  And then....Skip made us all dinner....and did the dishes!!!  Not sure what I did in my earlier life to deserve such an amazing family...but I surely thank God every day for them.

As moms we are constantly giving all of ourselves to our kids and our husbands, and this day of relaxing was greatly appreciated and needed.  I'm now refreshed and ready to face another day of chasing after my little girl!


  1. That sounds so nice! I just finished that book last month... you're not far behind. I really loved it. Although I almost ate my kitchen before finishing the 'eat' part.

  2. Sounds like your having a lovely vaca! I need to read that book! Cant wait to see the movie!

  3. That sounds so divine! I'm very jealous!!


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