Random Post

I took this from Ciera over at Mommy Madness.  Go check out her super fabulous blog...it's one of my new favorites!

Outside my window:  It's total blackness!

The time is: 11:13 pm

Today I feel {felt}: not so good.  Day started with my dog have a bathroom accident EVERYWHERE. Smell was the worst thing I have experienced.  And then Little M decided to just scream and throw tantrums all.day.long.  Oh, and it was 85* in my house because I had to leave all the windows open to help eradicate the smell from this morning.  Tomorrow is another day, right?

I am thinking: of all these other things I need to blog about

I am going to: have a productive day of packing for our weeklong beach vacation tomorrow!

I am wearing: white shorts and a black t-shirt that says 'Cherish Your Freedom? Thank a Soldier' that I got from my big sis

I wish: for summer to never end!

I am reading: Nothing but blogs and magazines...no more time for anything other than that

I am working on: Tons of house projects!

I am hoping: Little M is in better spirits tomorrow

I am hearing: The movie 'Invictus' that Skip and I are watching

Around the house: Everything is so clean and nice!  Bonus of having guests visit the other day

One of my favorite things to do: Spend the day at the beach with my little family

Join the fun!  Copy and paste on your blog...and let me know so I can check it out!


  1. I just saw that you won that great backpack from Confessions...yay you!! I wanted to check out the amanda that won, and it was you!! YEAH!! Thanks for all the comments you've been leaving on my blog recently. Comments are great, aren't they? :)

  2. Thanks girl :) Glad you enojoyed it & I enjoyed your post as well!! Have fun on your beach vaca!!!


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