Blog Awards!

Thank you so much to both Resisting Perfection  and Mrs. for these blog awards!  I am super flattered!!  First the award from Resisting Perfection.  

The rules for this award are to thank the person who gave you the award, share ten things about yourself, pass this award onto ten bloggers who you recently discovered and think are fantastic and finally contact the bloggers to let them know you’ve picked them for an award. 

Ten Things About Me:
1. I will never like coffee {experiment failed...will post about it later!}
2. My Nissan XTerra is my dream car....I just *love* it!
3. I am a certified teacher in two different states
4. I don't know what career I will choose when I go back to work after our kids are in school
5. I am really starting to love running...even though I'm not actually very good at it
6. Secret Life of the American Teenager is my favorite guilty pleasure
7. I love that I still keep in touch with friends who have known me during every stage of my life
8. My sisters are two of my very best friends
9. I use to hate being short {I'm 5'4} but now I love it!
10. My signature dish that I make for every party is bruschetta with fresh mozzarella...yum!

And from the Mrs. I got this fabulous award...

I am going to combine these two awards and pass them BOTH on to ten bloggers.  I bestow them on:

Go check out these fabulous blogs...enjoy ladies!


  1. Ahh my first (and second!) award! Thank you :)

  2. Thank you mandy! I love all the pics on your sidebar by the way.

    Thanks for the awards. I will try and come up with ten things. . . :)

  3. thank you! and congrats on your awards!

  4. Awwww, thank you!! I'm horrible about these though! I always say I'm going to follow the rules and can never come up with 10 things! Look at you go! And big CONGRATS! You are an awesome blogger!!

  5. Okay, so I'm a little late with this, but THANK YOU!!! I have been having so many computer issues, so my blogging has been sporadic at best. I love your new blog layout. Fun background! I hope you're having a great August.


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