Getting to Know Me!

The Q's..

1. If you were to win an award today, what would it be for?
Most Tired or Least Motivated to Unpack

2. What is your shoe style?
Stylish, but comfortable...I *love* me some heels, but sadly life as a SAHM does not give me much opportunity to wear them!

3  Does your car reflect your personality?
2006 Nissan Xterra in silver....I think's stylish, a little flashy, dependable, and a little me!

4. If you could take over someones body for a day..whose would you choose?
A would be so fun to get to eat that much!

5. Love or be loved?

6. If you were on death row, what last meal would you choose?
Pizza and Swedish Fish

7. Have you been on vacation this Summer, if so where?
Yes, just down to the Jersey shore a few times

8. What is your favorite food related guilty pleasure?

Chocolate covered pretzels...yumm!!


  1. we could have our last meals together...that would be my choice too! ;)

  2. I drive a silver Nissan too! How weird is that?! Only mine is a Murano! I love heels too. If only being a SAHM had a little more glamour right!? :)


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