I Have No Need for Caffeine

I bought...I tried....we did not get along.  Me and coffee that is.  I brewed my very first cup the other day {well for myself, I make coffee for Skip all the time}.  I used my chocolate flavored coffee, added ALOT of sugar, and my caramel flavored creamer.  It's light color barely even resembled coffee by the time I was finished.

I took my first sip....ewww.  It was still bitter and just plain yucky {I could not think of a better word for it}.  But I was determined.  I could not let this daily morning treat beat me.  I would prevail!  So I suffered through all the way down to the bottom of my travel mug.  It wasn't pleasant but it wasn't as miserable as say eating a baked potato.  Maybe I *could* do this every day.  At least for the caffeine jolt.

So I waited for the jolt...the ability to easily chase after Little M while cleaning the house without the slightest bit of exhaustion.

What I got instead was the jitters.  I felt sick I was so shaky.  Not quite the experience I was looking for. So while I can throw back Diet Cokes with the rest of them, apparently coffee has way more caffeine in it than my body can handle.

I think I'll stick to hot chocolate.


  1. You had too much coffee too quick!! (And creamer just doesn't do it for me.) Just add an ounce or two to your hot chocolate. That's how I take it. Except cold because it's too hot here.

  2. It seems like coffee is one of those things everyone either loves or hates! Personally, I'm in the "love" camp, but I get jittery if I drink too much too.

  3. I can only drink coffee a little at a time. One cup a week is about right for me... I dont love it. But I dont hate it either!

  4. I can't drink enough coffee anymore. I seriously drink about two pots a day. It is just my go to drink. I rarely get jittery, but when I do, I just step away..

  5. You don't like baked potatoes???

    I'm not sure we can be friends.

    Your saving grace, diet coke. It is my addiction!

  6. You have to stick with it. That's the only way to get rid of the caffeine high! I only know this from having to go in way early in high school and stopping for lattes every morning just to stay awake, and after a while I had to ask for a double shot bc I'd gotten used to it! But nice to know that the at home mixture doesn't work! Can you order coffee when you're out? Or is even specialty drinks with coffee in them no good? Btw, I LOVE the tabs you added! You look so fancy! :)

  7. Coffee and I are not always friends either! I'll either have too much and feel like I'm jittering out of my skin and then I crash with a terrible headache. Or I'll only get half-caff and not even feel it.


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