Pool Party!

On Wednesday Skip, Little M and I donned our swimsuits and headed out to Skip's Lieutenant's house, about an hour away.  Every year the LT has a giant cookout / pool party for everyone Skip works with.  He has a gorgeous house, amazing pool, and tons of food...always a good time.  I was slightly worried about keeping an eye on Little M with a pool and all those people around, but I knew the fun would be worth it.

We left our house around 1:30 and took the drive, just over an hour away.  Little M's naptime is from 2-4 so I was hoping she would nap in the car.  And she did.....for 15 minutes.  Not good.  We were some of the first people there and it was good to get Little M used to her surroundings before all the other people showed up.

Right off the bat she was fascinated by the pool.  So we got her lotioned up and I took her into the big pool.  Even though the shallow end was only a few inches deep, Little M got scared.  So I tried taking her into the hottub that is connected to the pool.  And that is pretty much where we stayed for most of the party!  She was more than happy to stand around the inner edge of the hottub with some of the other kids and play with all the bubbles that the jets produced.  And I was a very happy Mommy to get to sit and relax in the warm water while Little M was contained and happy!  It was a great party and it's always nice to get to socialize with all of Skip's fellow officers.

We left around 7:30 and got home about 8:45 and Little M was awake the whole ride!  I could not believe she only napped for 15 minutes the entire day and was not a screaming mess!  We put her right down to bed but it took her about an hour to finally settle down and go to sleep.  Overall it was a wonderfully relaxing and fun day! {unfortunately I brought my camera but did not take a single picture:( Oh well, sometimes you just have to just enjoy life in front of the camera, and not just behind it!}


  1. Sounds like you guys had fun! Sometimes it is nice to leave the camera at home and just enjoy being there!


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