The Life of a Cop Wife

I have a total love/hate relationship with my husband's work schedule.  As far as cop's schedules go, we are very lucky that we know what days he's working for the whole year, for the most part.  He has a rotating schedule of four days on, two days off for three weeks and then one week of five days on two days off.  One week he works 7 am to 3 pm.  The next week he works 3 pm to 11 pm.  That only changes when he takes overtime after a shift.  Overtime is another eight hours long.  Then there are the days he works at the police academy from 8 am to 4 pm.  And then sometimes he works a funeral or parade for the honor guard, and those hours depend on what he's doing.

Are you still following me?  Haha.  Needless to say we have three different calenders/agendas each filled with when and where he is working.  Because he is rarely off on a weekend I can never seem to keep straight what day of the week it is!

When we were first married, and I had a set Monday through Friday 7:30 to 3:00 teaching schedule, I hated Skip's work hours.  I never saw him when he worked nights and we hardly ever had the same days off {he is only off on the weekend every three months or so} It was just miserable.  I was only happy when he worked days and I was able to see him at night.

Now that I am home with Little M all the time, I like his schedule a little more.  The weekend thing doesn't bother me anymore because I like getting to run errands or go away for a few days during the week, when things are less crowded.

The night shift is now my favorite shift that Skip works.  We are able to spend time together in the morning {or trade sleeping in!} and it's nice that I don't have to cook dinner all the time!  I also like that I use those nights to get things done around the house, projects and whatnot, or I can have some of my friends over for girls nights!

The day shift is my least favorite now, since I am up with the baby when she gets up and it's just her and I all day.  But it is nice to be able to sit down and have dinner together as a family.  And Little M loves when Daddy does bath and bedtime!

Overall Skip's schedule isn't too bad.  It makes things just a little more interesting for us!  Over the years we have realized that the best way to keep us on somewhat of a normal schedule is for Skip and I to stay up until about midnight every night.  It keeps us on a better sleep cycle than if we went to bed early when he works days, and then late when he works night {and I just cannot bring myself to go to bed before he gets home...I miss him to much and love recapping our days together when he gets home}  That means that we don't get all that much sleep, but we manage.

The one thing I will always hate is that Skip does not get holidays off.  There is the rare occasion when his days off happen to fall on a holiday, but those are *very* few and far between.  Hopefully in a few years he will have enough seniority to take a vacation day on holidays, but for now Little M and I just invite ourselves over to my parents alot, haha.

So there you have a little glimpse into the life of a cop wife!  All the other cop wives, how do you deal with your husband's crazy work schedule?

ps...bottom line a cop Skip is never deployed...I would *much* rather have this crazy schedule than have him gone!


  1. Wow, that sounds complicated! I am beyond organized and know I will appreciate knowing his days off FAR in advance. It will take a lot of adjusting to not spending weekends/holidays as a family. Tom will work the overnight shift, likely, for at least a year. Itll be tough for him and I, but great for Trev and our other kids, as only Mama or Daddy will take care of them 100% of the time! Itll all be SO worth it!

    Thanks for showing me this linking and for stopping by.:)

  2. I remember when I worked Paul and I had completely opposite schedules and it was so frustrating to never see one another. Me not working is a lot better. I know it's hard to not have weekends with him but I am a little jealous of your evening time. Every once in awhile I'm like "don't you have some training or something? I need a girls night!"

    Thanks for the glimpse. I knew police officers work hard and a lot of weekends but didn't know it was that many!

  3. wow!its crazy and frustrating but tg they love their jobs!
    you would think after 11 yrs on it would be easier but we also have a calendar that he HAS to post his work hours and OT on so that everyday he doesnt have to hear "what time do you leave for work today?" LOL

  4. My Cop works 3-11 and I just blogged about his days off!!! lol

    He had weekends off in the academy, then went to Tuesday and Wednesday. Then he switched it to Thursday and Friday. And begining on the 29th, his days off change (because he is at the Capitol now, instead of the House office buildings) to Friday and Saturday. He works 3-11 to beat traffic. I like having him in the mornings, but we live so far from DC, he leaves at 12:30. But he goes and runs with his friends Monday-Wednesday. Sooooo... We see each other, for a couple hours a day. Less when school starts, but we'll have Saturdays.

    Date nights save our marriage, and we have late night talks, or catch up on the DVR!!! Sometimes we stay up until three, but I am the one who pays for it, since I get up with the kids!

  5. I can't even imagine! I hate having to keep trap of what me and Preston are doing on a daily basis, I don't know what I'd have to do if I was also trying to coordinate our daily lives with Brad's work schedule. And holidays, that would drive me insane! Right now though I bet it's not just that he can't get deployed but also that he's working. And that he's doing something admirable!


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