Toddler Schedule

I am really interested in reading about other people's schedules...especially when they have kids around Little M's age.  I have always believed that kids thrive on a schedule but obviously the exact schedule depends on each child and each family situation.  This is a basic idea of our day with Little M! {things definitely change depending on what shift Skip is working, and what we have going on, but this is pretty much it most days}

7:00-9:30 - Little M wakes up anywhere in this range.  She has always been a screamer as soon as she wakes up, so we just sleep until our little alarm clock gets us up!  It varies, but most days she wakes up around 9 {*love* this by the way!}

9:00-10:00 - Milk, breakfast, Mommy attempts to get dressed for the day, get Little M dressed, Little M watches some TV {Sesame Street, Mickey Mouse, or Barney}

10:00-12:00 - This is normally when we run errands or get stuff done around the house.  Also my parents are coming over to see Little M this is the best time.  She is happy, full, and awake!

12:00 - 12:30 - Lunch

12:30 - 2:00 - Play outside, go to the park, or play inside

2:00 - 4:00 - Little M naps.  I either get things done or nap myself

4:00 - 5:00 - snack as soon as she wakes up, play inside, play ouside, or go to the park

5:00 - 5:30 - get dinner ready

5:30 - 6:00 - dinner

6:00 - 6:30 - playtime either inside or out, sometimes the park

6:30 - bath and put on jammies

7:00 - snuggle on the couch while Little M has some milk and we watch one of her shows {Elmo or Yo Gabba Gabba usually}

7:30 - Bedtime routine {kiss the puppies, brush teeth, story, prayers, bed}

7:30 - midnight - Hang out with Skip, have friends over, watch TV or a movie, or get things done...oh and blog of course!

Midnight or 1:00 am - bedtime for me and Skip!

What is your daily schedule like?


  1. I love reading schedules too. I'll work on writing mine down.

  2. My schedule is very similar to yours. I just have to add in Baby Girls routine around all the other things too.

    Anywhere between 6:45-8am both kids wake up
    7:30am head downstairs and turn on PBS for the Wee One.
    8am get everyone breakfast
    9-11am either chill out at home or we are a playdate/running errands
    11:30-12:30 eat lunch
    12:30-1 the Wee One has his nap time routine
    12:30-3/3:30 the Wee One sleeps, and I chill out with Baby Girl getting caught up on my shows/chores around the house

    3:30-4:30/5 play inside (for right now)
    4:30/5 start getting dinner ready
    5-5:30 eat dinner
    6:30 start bathtime for both kids
    7-8pm the Wee One watches a movie
    8pm The Wee One has his bed time routine
    9pm-10:30pm JB and I have time to chill out together before I go to bed!

    Then we do it all over again. hahaha!

  3. I wish we had a schedule. We are so all over the place, its crazy. The only schedule in my life at this moment is Kenna's bedtime... 8pm. Hopefully when Gav starts school, I'll be able to get a schedule going for all of us.

  4. I wish we were on a better schedule, for the most part we are during the school year, so we are fixing to get back on one! We will get up around 7:30 and the kids go to bed around 8. I am lucky if I get in the bed before midnight!! Love your schedule, I love knowing how others days goes too!

  5. this is a great post! I have horrible ADD and am so bad at schedules. Ava's therapy really limits me and I HAVE to adhere to a schedule but it is so hard since she has a sleep disorder. I learn so much from others' schedules, so thank you. Will post our schedule on my blog (too crazy to type here). But thanks - this was a great post. xo

  6. This is pretty much our exact schedule! Recently both of my girls(3, and 15 months) have been waking up anywhere between 7am-9am as well. I have learned that making nap time 5 hours after they wake up is great for us. So if they wake up at 6 they go down for nape a little earlier. Some days, my schedule is the only thing that keeps me sane and I know my girls absolutely depend on it.
    It sounds like you have an awesome routine!!!!

  7. We are very unscheduled. I keep saying I'm going to try to focus on getting us on one, but still haven't done it. We used to be more scheduled but when Preston gave up naps, we lost our schedule. It's nice some days because we can just pick up and go whenever we need to but other days I wish that we were more set. It is time for me to start getting on this whole schedule thing I guess! Or at least more of a routine!


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