Bedroom Transformation

Remember this post back in JUNE about picking new paint colors for our bedroom?  Well what started out as a simple paint job turned into an entire bedroom makeover!  Once the color was on the walls, I realized I hated my bedroom furniture.  So I proceeded to sand, prime, and paint each and every piece.  Once that was done, our bedskirt, sheets, and duvet were looking a little tired, so I had to replace them as well.  So now, three months later, I'm done!  And I could not be happier with the results.  I finally feel like Skip and I have a real master bedroom, for the first time in our married life.  It is warm, luxurious, and relaxing!  Now check out the transformation for yourself.
This is our bedroom when we first moved in

These are the before pictures, with the yellow paint color

Also, take note of the color of the dressers and night tables

And now the new grey bedroom!

I painted the wall behind our bed a darker grey than the rest of the room.

What do you think of the 'new' dressers?  It's amazing what a little pain can do!


  1. It looks awesome! It has a more relaxing feel to it!

  2. I love the new dresser look... and the walls... lol all of it!!!!

  3. I LOVE it! Love love love it! I can't believe what a difference paint makes! It really makes me want to go start all over in my bedroom! And I can't believe that you transformed the way your bedroom looks so much and it's the same furniture! Definitely worth waiting for! You deserve serious props for doing all of that! I'm so jealous of how crafty you are!

  4. THe furniture looks BRAND new!!! I like the dark grey wall too.

  5. Loving the black on the dresser and night tables!

  6. Very nice! Our guest bedroom is grey with the black furniture and red and white accents and it is one of my favorite rooms in the house. I love the color combination.

  7. It looks ok but would look better without the curtains tied up like that.


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