Final Beach Vacation - Day 1

Since we were only at the beach last week for two full days, we tried to cram as much fun into those days as possible!  It was the last time we will be going down there this summer {obviously, Labor Day is already over} and we didn't want to take a single second for granted!

The first morning we got up and headed off to the nearby island that has my favorite beach on it.  We spent the first few hours of the morning laying out, relaxing, and taking walks on the beach {and avoiding the water....crazy rip currents that week!}
Napping on the beach

Mom, ice cream truck is here!!!

Having a snack with mom {not icecream!}

Breeze on her face

Around lunchtime we left and went to my most favorite pizza place in the world.  I have been so lucky to get there several times this year!  Once we finished we headed back to my parent's house so Little M could take a nap.

While she was napping, the husband said the most amazing thing...he said I should go to Target....BY MYSELF!!  I may or may not have skipped right out the door!  It was glorious and amazing.  Total peace and quiet.  The ability to endlessly browse at whatever I wanted.  I did however learn that having the luxury of shopping all by myself also leads to a much higher bill at the end of the day!

Once I lugged all my stuff back to the house, Little M was awake so we decided to head out to a nearby park.  It was right on the bay and so gorgeous!  Some of the equipment was a little more mature than Little M, but she managed fine!

Pure joy

She loves the slides!

This slide almost gave me a heart attack.  We only let her go down once!

View from the park

After some dinner at the house, we rounded out the night by going and getting some ice cream with my big sis.  Little M is usually pretty wary about ice cream {must be the coldness} so I didn't order her any, we figured she could just share.  Well apparently she decided to love ice cream that night and filled her belly with each of our ice creams!  Funny girl!

Waiting in the car for Aunt L to go get ice cream

Day 2 recap tomorrow and then I promise I'm done with the vacations for awhile!


  1. so cute! i could live at the beach! it's not so fun with C at his age... he's just wanting to put the sand in his mouth. can't wait until next year though!

  2. I'm glad you guys had such a great time! And so jealous that you got some time to your self! A trip to Target alone sounds absolutely divine! Especially after having just taken Preston to the store with me.

  3. Mandy, Little M looks very adorable! It's great that you were able to spend time together and have fun at the beach.

    Our family also loves going to the beach. Last year, my husband and I decided to take our twin sons to the resorts in Panama City Beach, FL. There had been a lot of activities and we all had an amazing time.

    Your experience surely reminded me of our experience. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Your cute little girl enjoyed the beach so much, I can't wait till I bring Steph to the resorts in Panama City beach Fl. She has been waiting all year for this grand vacation, which we would have as soon as summer comes. I have heard a lot of good stories from tourists who stayed in the vacation rentals in Panama City beach, Florida and I would like to share my own story on my blog soon!


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