Lack of Blogging

I haven't been posting recently because of the following reasons:
- Little M's last two teeth are coming in.  She's in a lot of pain and that's causing her to throw screaming tantrums {though the past few days have been better}
- Watching lots of football and all the new fall shows {but I hate football today...stupid Giants}
- I have been battling a cold for two weeks now
- I lost my voice on Friday...not sure when it's coming back
- I'm rearranging furniture in my house...again
- I'm having lots and lots of trouble falling asleep at night.  I'm not napping during the day, so I should be tired.  I didn't fall asleep until 5:00 am on Friday night {technically Saturday morning} Praise the Lord Little M sleeps until 8 or 10.
- Lots of nights with our friends talking, laughing, and destressing
- Lack of ideas of what to post about.

Will be back soon.  Feel free to ask me questions or give suggestions of what I should post about!!


  1. I've been in a blogging slump too. Lack of ideas and at the end of the day I just don't feel like getting online. I'm trying to be better.

    Hope the teething is over soon for you guys!

  2. I've been blog slacking lately! It's just so hard to get back into it when you fall out of it! I always feel like when I slack, I have the stories to tell just don't know where to begin!


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