Miscellany Monday

{one} After a long weekend of some not so good days of Little M screaming, today was a good day...a warm and fuzzy 'I love being a Mommy' kind of day.  It was nice.

{two} I firmly believe that dancing around the family room with Little M and Skip is the best calorie burner out there

{three} I am in the process of rewatching the entire last season of Grey's Anatomy before the season premiere on Thursday.  I'm so excited!!!

{four} Skip took off a few days last week with a terrible cold.  Now I have it.  This is why I hate the fall.  Stupid germs.  I'm so tired of feeling so crappy.

{five} Little M slept until 10:30 am today.  I don't care if she screams all day long.  I *love* my daughter's sleeping habits!

{six} It's a good thing Little M rarely wakes up before 8:00 am because for the past few weeks I haven't be able to fall asleep before 2:00 am. the earliest.  It's really driving me crazy.

{seven} Every night after I put Little M to bed, our bulldog Mr. B climbs into my lap to fall asleep.  Unfortunately what he doesn't realize is that at 48 lbs, he's not exactly a lap dog.


  1. My puppy is a 45lbs lap dog! AND you are so lucky you have a late sleeper..my dog has me up at the crack of dawn!

  2. 10:30!!! Lucky. Hope you figure out why you're having trouble getting to sleep soon.

  3. It's big, thick, 'texas sized' garlic bread. You can buy it at any grocery store in the frozen section and its sooo yummy :)

    Our boxer wishes he was a lap dog too! & I miss the days when my kids slept late!!!

  4. Preston's a late sleeper too! They really are meant to be! :) Preston has a cold too right now. I'm not thrilled with it and am really hoping that I don't catch it! I'm totally rewatching Grey's Anatomy right now too! Lifetime? I'm seriously hooked. Brad makes fun of me all the time for how often I've watched the episodes!

  5. I am so jealous! Cooper wakes up at 730 on the weekends. The kid doesn't know the meaning of sleep in.

  6. I've been watching Grey's too! I missed alot of the season, so I need to get caught up!! Hope you are feeling better!


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