One of Those Days...

Today was one of those days....and unfortunately it was not one of those good, warm, fuzzy wonderful mommy days.  It was a rough day....and a weird day...and a day I was happy to end in pj's, some Grey's Anatomy reruns, and some girl talk with my friend J.

My daughter has turned into a Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde.  From the time she woke up this morning until she went down for her nap, she screamed.  About everything.  We tried timeouts...she screamed....distractions...she screamed....just plain ignoring her....and on she screamed.  We gave her some Tylenol for her teeth, and even after it had kicked in, still she screamed.  She was full, dry, and isn't sick.  But still she screamed all.morning.long.

By 2:00 I was done.  Exhausted, frustrated, worn out, and feeling like the worst mommy in the world.  So I plopped myself on the couch and zoned out in front of the TV for two hours, attempting to mentally prepare myself to face the rest of the day.

When 4:00 rolled around I was ready.  I could do this.  I would breathe deeply and just keep telling myself 'only 3 1/2 hours till bedtime....only 3 1/2 hours till bedtime...'

I went upstairs to get Little M and I was greeted with a happy, smiley little girl.  We came downstairs and snuggled on the couch with some milk, reading story after story.  Then she played with the puppies while I made dinner.  We had a great dinner together and she ate everything I gave her.  Once the dishes were done, Little M climbed up into her booster and sat and colored in her coloring book while I cleaned the kitchen and vacuumed the entire downstairs.  Then we snuggled up on the couch for a little bit before she easily went down to bed at 7:30.

Once she was asleep I was totally drained.  Today was exhausting, a total whirlwind.  I felt out of control, like I have no idea what I'm doing.  Seriously, why can't kids come with instruction manuals??  And while I do know enough to admit that I still don't always know what I'm doing as a mom, I also know that tomorrow is another day.  A day to start try it attempt to figure it out.  I know that there will be more days like today....but the good days will outweigh the bad.  And I know that I'm not alone.  I am not the only mom who feels this way {right? are there others of you out there?  please??}

Here's hoping tomorrow is a little more warm and fuzzy...and a little less noisy!


  1. I know exactly how you feel. I had a day like that on Thursday. Everything I did made my little man scream or cry. I just couldn't figure him out, he is usually so happy and bubbly. I seriously thought I was going to go crazy and by 12 I was completely drained. Somehow I managed to push through the rest of the day, and then crashed in front of the t.v. What still continues to amaze me is how even when I think I can't go anymore, I somehow manage to find the strength to keep going. It's amazing what mommies can do!

  2. Those days are so hard! Hang in there. Tomorrow is another day and things will get better.

  3. Preston has those days. Where I really just wonder how I have any hair left on my head. I've heard that it gets better. I haven't seen it but I have heard it! :) I always try to remind myself that I have bad days so Preston should get them too. Sometimes that helps keep me from going insane on those bad days. And others his bad day makes it my bad day too! I hope it gets better!


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