Wedding Song

For some unknown reason, I was thinking of wedding songs today.  I think the first song really says alot about a couple.

Skip and I had a really tough time trying to come up with a wedding song.  We do not agree on music at all.  I tell him he only likes 'old man' music {stuff from our parents generation} and I could easily pass for a teeny bopper with my choices.  So agreeing on just one song proved rather difficult.

The months he was in Iraq we would email lists of tons and tons of songs back and forth that we both wanted.  Not one song was the same and we each vetoed every single one of the other's pics.

It wasn't until late June that we finally made our choice {which was good since we got married in July!} We were stuck in hours and hours of traffic coming back from Jesse's funeral.  The Pretender's song 'I'll Stand By You' came on the radio.  I commented that I had always loved that song since they used to play it during the previews for the movie 'A Walk in the Clouds' {I have a thing for Keanu...don't judge}  Skip said he had always liked the song too and he loved the message in it.  He said anyone can say 'I love you' but how many people will stand by you?  And for us, we had to do a lot of standing by...through long distance when I was at college....through a year long deployment.

So in that car, on one of the saddest days, we picked our wedding song.  I like that it is a little different, a little classic, and I too love the message.

So what was your wedding song and why??


  1. This post warms my heart - it's obvious the song is very personal to you, and the story behind it is very touching.

    We had two songs - Husband and I danced to "Your Everything" by Keith Urban; and our wedding party danced to "That's what she gets" by Brooks & Dunn. The lyrics of those two songs capture "us" to a tee!

  2. love that song. love.

    we had a hard time figuring out a wedding song too. we finally chose edwin mccain's "i'll be" but i honestly don't remember why. it really has no significance to us.. oh well!

  3. Awww!

    My husband and I have very different tastes, I love older music and he is much more modern. Originally our wedding song was going to be "Lucky" by Jason Mraz and Colbie Calliat. Then I went to a bridal show with my mom and the band performing sang "It's Your Love" by Faith Hill and Tim McGraw. I called up Ryan and told him and we instantly switched. "Lucky" then became the song we cut our cake to.

    We both do agree on country music and it was perfect (words, tempo, music) AND they are husband and wife singing! So, "It's Your Love" by Faith Hill and Tim McGraw!

  4. I love that song! And it really sounds like it was perfect for you guys! We didn't have a wedding song! We said we were going to do a reception later and just never got around to it, now I really want to have one!


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