Birthday Recap

Thank you all so much for all the birthday wishes!  I had a fabulous day on Tuesday.  I got to sleep in late and was woken up with some hot chocolate, smores pancakes, and presents!  After a relaxing morning we headed out to grab some lunch at the food court at the mall {one of our favorite family places!}

I spent the afternoon getting a relaxing pedicure and getting ready for a date night with Skip!  My mom came over to watch Little M and the only thing Skip would tell me was not to wear jeans.  We headed out to dinner and ended up at this super cute little French restaurant in our town.  As we were finishing up our meal, Skip surprised me with tickets to go see 'The Social Network'.  I couldn't believe we were getting to go out to dinner AND a movie!  You moms know what a treat that is!

The movie was really good and overall it was one of the best birthdays ever!!  Looks like 28 will be better than I thought.


  1. Yay! I'm so glad you had a fabulous birthday! And dinner AND a movie is a very big treat! I want to see The Social Network so bad! I'm kind of excited to see Justin Timberlake doing something again!

  2. OMG! How fun!!!!!

    I wish the hubs and I could go on a date!!!!

    Oh... I totally just examined your picture of Skip on the sidebar.... lol.... You should get a thin blue line one... I wear mine every day.... I have three cop bracelets I wear, plus a KIA bracelet for Mrs. P's husband. lol... I'm a little bracelet happy!

  3. I bought mine on Ebay. David said he'd never wear it. But when it came in, he goes "can I wear it for the day?" lol... He doesn't like the bulkiness of it. If you search "thin blue line paracord survival bracelets" it should pull up. It was like 11 dollars with shipping!


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