Great Weekend....Picture FAIL

We have had a fabulous few days around here.  On Saturday we headed back down the beach {again I know!} to celebrate the engagement of one of my Marine's Girls.  Back in 2004 when Skip deployed to Iraq, I became very close with two girls, M and L, whose boyfriends were in Skip's unit.  L got married two years ago, and just a few months ago, M got engaged!  We were super excited to head down and celebrate with them.

Little M tagged along and had a great time running around and playing with M's Old English Bulldog.  She was the life of the party and managed to stay awake and cranky-free until 9 pm.   Wahoo!!  Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures {bad blogger!} So these two I stole from M!!

The happy couple!

Hanging out with everyone!

Sunday we got up nice and early and headed back home.  My birthday is tomorrow but I celebrated it with my friends and family yesterday!  My family came over at 1:00 and we ate pizza, cake, opened presents, and of course watched the Giants beat the Lions!  Wahoo!!!  I didn't take any pictures then either, so here are some my big sis L took!

Let's open some gifts!

Reading some cards


A Giant's necklace from my parents!

My candles represented goal posts!

Snuggling with Little M, watching the game

Giant's win!!
We had a great time with my friends that night too.  We had about 13 people over and we watched the Sunday night football game {of course}  This time no one took any pictures {FAIL} since we were too busy having fun!  It was a wonderful weekend and I can't wait to have a relaxing birthday tomorrow!


  1. happy birthday!

    i must say you are just adorable! So tiny and never a bad hair picture. should we ever meet up at the palisades I'm going to feel like a slob!

  2. Happy Early Birthday! Well I guess it's actually just Happy Birthday your time! Happy Birthday! I'm so glad you had a great weekend! Sometimes it's nice to be so busy enjoying the moment that you forget to capture the moment!


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