Happy Birthday to Me!

Today I turn 

Not sure why this feels so old.  My friend L thinks it's because the number 8 is so wide, haha.  She says it's just a big number.  

But even though I continue to get older and older every year, I am also more blessed.  And I wouldn't have it any other way.

Now this old lady has got to run and get ready for a fun day with my little family!


  1. am i the only one that actually looks forward to turning 30? after turning 21 and relishing in that age for a bit, i was like.. OK! i'm ready to be thirty!! i know.. so weird.. happy, happy birthday my friend!! :)

  2. Wow, it's like EVERYONES birthday this week. Happy Birthday!!!

  3. Happy Birthday Mandy! Hope you have a great one!

  4. Happy Birthday!! Hope you have a wonderful day!! And 28 is so not old!!!!

  5. I hope you had an absolutely FABULOUS birthday! With lots of chocolate! :)

  6. October babies are the best :)

    Happy happy birthday!!

  7. I am your newest follower!!

    Happy Happy Birthday! May all of your birthday wishes come true!!!

    Isn't it the hardest to say goodbye to the men we love?! I am engaged to a Marine...my man is coming home soon!!

    Have a great day and check out my blog


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