Mommy Confession....

My daughter still has a pacifier.  Yes I know she will be two next month, and it highly recommended that after 12 months children stop using a pacifier.  But to be honest, as a mom, it's hard to take something away from your child when they really love it.  Something that is really not harmful at all.  Obviously I would never let her play with scissors or a bottle of's just a paci!

The funny thing is Little M was never really attached to it when she was a baby.  She would easily take it, but she was also able to soothe without it.  I think she really got more attached to it when she was teething. Many times it was the only thing to help her.

A few months ago we decided to cut down on paci time and limited Little M's use of it strictly to nap and bed times.  She did well with this arrangement for a really didn't seem to bother her much.  However a few weeks ago, her last few teeth were popping through with a vengeance and again, the only thing that would comfort her was the pacifier.

But Skip and I have decided that enough is enough, and as of tomorrow, no more paci.  I've been prepping Little M all weekend about it.  I've told her that only babies need pacifiers and she's a big girl now.  So tomorrow morning we're going to collect all the pacis and she can trade them in for a special Handy Manny toy I bought today.  I really think I'm going to have a harder time with this than her, but we'll see!  I'll keep you all posted on our progress.

What things did you let your children hang on to longer than you thought you would?  Or am I totally alone in this?  haha


  1. I remember those days well. My girls gave up the pacifier on their 3rd birthdays.. We talked about it for weeks before- they were both ready when their birthdays arrived. They threw away their own pacifiers and then we danced around the house in a Congo line - and sang "no more binkies, yeah"... we had a great time - and they never asked for them again... Today they are 12 and 14 and their teeth were not affected... it's a good and happy memory..

    Good luck Love to you kelly
    I've Become My Mother

  2. I think the paci issue is pretty common. I sucked my thumb forever as a kid, which is a MUCH harder habit for parents to break cause....well, they can't take your thumb away! lol I think you will be successful if you make it a big party and she gets something cool in return. But be sure you get one last photo of her with her paci in her mouth, you are going to miss that face!

  3. The paci is hard to get rid of in our house too! The boys both had them until they were about 3 and Reece will be 3 in December and she still has hers...only at nap and bedtime. I'm hoping to be rid of it by her 3rd birthday, we'll see! You are right, it's hard to take away something they love so much!

  4. My oldest was in pull ups until like 3 weeks ago. I know, I know. It was only at night... but she has autism, and apparently that is common...

    Pacifiers (I hate when people called them binky's) were taken away on their first birthday, and they never looked back! oh wait, no, When I was in the hospital having the youngest, my oldest had a cold, and used her pacifier to go to sleep. but, that was like 3 days and that was that.

  5. My son still has his pacifier and he is 2 years and 3 months old now. He is very attached and we are beginning to work on taking it away. We are going to drop it to for sleeping only and then take it away.

  6. I know a lot of people who left the pacifier until three and everything worked out fine. And look at Ryan from Teen Mom, he had his until he was three or four and he turned out fine. Well his teeth turned out fine, he's a whole different matter! lol. Preston doesn't have a paci, but he does have a blankie that we have to take everywhere. And I do mean everywhere. It doesn't bug me. Probably bc I slept with my baby blanket until Preston started pulling at it and ruining it, not that it wasn't already ruined from being taken everywhere when I was little and slept with for 20 plus years. Don't tell! Even more crazy than sleeping with your baby blanket after 20, I sucked my thumb until I was like 7! Eeek! And I think I turned out okay!

    How did it go? Did you take it away?

  7. my grandbaby is 2 and still has her pacifier-don't know how my daughter is going to wean her from it but I am just glad its not me who has to do it!lol
    good luck


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