Pacifier Update

Okay, it's been three days so I figured it is time for an update on Operation: Take Away Pacifier.  Since I don't know most of you in real life, it would be so easy for me to lie and tell you that it is going wonderfully and Little M completely and easily dropped the paci habit.  But I believe in honest on a blog, so I will tell you the truth.  Operation: Take Away Pacifier?  Big fat Mommy FAIL.

Sunday morning started off great.  When Little M woke up we collected all her pacifiers and I let her trade them in for her new Handy Manny toy.  She really liked it and all was good.  Then came nap time.  I went through Little M's normal routine then popped her in her crib.  She laid down but then popped right back up and asked "Where's the Nuk?" {that's what we call her paci}  I reminded her that she was a big girl and only babies need a Nuk.  She seemed to think it over and then laid back down.  I practically ran out of the room...yay!  She was going to be fine.

But as soon as I closed the door, Little M started screaming.  And she proceeded to scream for the next 10 minutes, crying big tears and just saying "Nuk, Nuk" over and over again.  This is totally unlike her as well.  She has always been a wonderful sleeper who needs little assistance in falling asleep.  It literally broke my heart to hear her crying for something I had the power to give her

I knew I should have been strong and powered through this first day, but to be honest I was exhausted.  I had not seen my husband for more than half an hour since the Thursday before and I just needed to take a nap.  And I knew that if I gave Little M what she wanted, her Nuk, that we would both get some sleep.  So not even 15 minutes into the first day sans-paci, I gave in.  I ran downstairs, grabbed a Nuk and gave it to her.  She popped it in her mouth, laid down, and immediately fell asleep.

I went to my room and also fell asleep for the most glorious 2 1/2 hour nap.  When I woke up though,  I felt very guilty for giving in to her so quickly.  On one hand, I felt like a terrible mom, a total failure.  On the other hand, my daughter took a nice long nap.  Good sleep is definitely something she needs to thrive.  And really, for nap time and bedtime, how bad is a pacifier really.

So after talking to Skip and some others, we have decided to hold off on taking away Little M's pacifier. She has no special "lovey" or toy...she doesn't suck her thumb....she has a pacifier.  And if that's what she needs to sleep then that's just how it is.  Commence judging now!  {though not too harshly, please!}


  1. I just heard recently that some parents cut the tip off of the paci which makes it not as enjoyable to suck... or your child thinks its 'broken' and doesn't want it. Just an idea.

    Sleep is very very valuable. No judgement for giving in!! I don't think Isaac has ever taken a 2.5 hour nap! I'm a lil jealous.

  2. I have a funny feeling that I'll be in your same shoes in a couple of years. I figured the "nunnie" route would be easier than encourging a thumb sucker, because well.. You can't take thumbs away! A friend of mine just took her daughter to Build A Bear and had them sew her paci into the bear's heart spot.. This way, she'd always have Paci with her, but just couldn't suck on it. Another friend confined all paci use to the crib/bed. Her daughter, at 3, would be downstairs playing and run upstairs for a minute JUST to suck the paci and then would run back down. Haaaa. Definitely no judgent here. You have to do what keeps you both sane and happy. Who knows- maybe she'll grown out of it before you know it....

  3. She's just not ready. Its ok! Try again in a few months. Being a Mom is mostly trial and error. Mostly error, lol.

  4. I took Kenna to her first dentist appointment last week where the dentist informed me that it is TIME to take the paci away from Kenna. Uhm, she is only 16 months old!!!! I cant do that to her yet.

    And I totally agree with you about letting her have it. If she's only taking it at bedtime and naptime, and she doesnt have any other forms of comfort during those times, why not let her have it? I think you're doing a good job :)

  5. no judging here!like I said before so glad its not me who has to do it :)

  6. She is only 3 months older than my little boy and he still has a paci at nap/bed time. I have zero desire to take it away from him ANYTIME soon. He would have acted the same way as M did. Being a mom is alot harder than I ever imagined. Don't worry. I'm pretty sure neither one of them will go off to college with a paci. :)

  7. No judgement here! I think I thought you were more crazy for taking it away than giving it back! :) She's still little, you've got lots of years left to take it away! Plus sleep is important!


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