
Do you remember this post I wrote back in JULY about how Little M refused to say mom?  Well over the past few months her vocabulary has increased so much I can't even count how many words she says now.  She talks in phrases and some sentences.  She can even sing some songs!  But she STILL refused to say mom, momma, or mommy.

UNTIL THE OTHER DAY!!!!!  Little M woke up the other morning and standing in her crib she yelled out, "Mom! Mom!" I have never gotten out of bed so fast!  Now she calls me mom all the time, like she's been saying it her whole life.  Silly little girl.  It was a long time waiting for her to say my name, but it was definitely worth the wait!


  1. I love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!

  2. Aww that is such a fun milestone! I went from momma to mommy to mom to CIERA! And my son is only 4!! lol

  3. AWWWW...that would so melt my heart! That and I love you!


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