Little M's Birthday Recap

We have had a wonderful few days celebrating Little M's birthday!  We had her family parties this weekend.  My family came over on Saturday and we had Skip's family on Sunday.  Little M had no problem spreading out the cupcake eating and present opening!  This year our theme was ladybugs!  We had ladybugs on everything and kept the rest of the color scheme red and black.  I'm really happy with the way the decorations and food came out {even though I didn't take a lot of pictures, and the ones I did weren't good, but whatever}  Overall it was a wonderfully relaxing, fun weekend and Little M had a blast!

Terrible picture but here is the cupcake centerpiece with ladybugs in them

My pride and joy...ladybug cookies!

My beautiful girl in her tutu!

Hahaha, love this one.  I was trying to get her to stop chewing on her fingers and this is what she did


Our little family!

Of course she had to put on her Giants jersey during the Sunday party!

I have to write another post about her actual birthday today with total picture upload.  Stay tuned!


  1. Aww. Happy Birthday Little M!!

    I love her 'tude.

  2. Happy birthday! She looks cute even while wearing a Giant's jersey - not easy ;).

  3. Great job on the party and she is adorable of course!

  4. very, very cute!!

    Happy Birthday Little M!! Hope you had a fabulous one!

  5. I love her decorations! Love the red and black! And the sign!! It all looks so great! Did you make the ladybug cookies? They look fabulous!!


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