Love Bug

Last year on Halloween, Skip had to work a 16 hour shift and missed the whole day.  So this year he took a vacation day so he wouldn't miss anything!  It was so nice having him home with us.  It was also the first year Little M could go trick-or-treating and we were more than excited.

We had a very busy day.  We went visiting at my grandma's, my parent's, my sister's, and a few friend's places.  We also did some trick-or-treating around the neighborhood.  In between lunch and naps that is.  Little M had such a great time and really loved wearing her costume, especially her black sparkly shoes!  She didn't quite master trick-or-treating though.  She would walk up to a door, hold out her bucket, and then try and walk right inside the house!  She also refused to actually say 'trick-or-treat' or even 'thank you'!   Oh well, good thing she's so cute and people didn't seem to mind.  We'll have to work on those things for next year.

Well without further ado, here is the cutest little LADY BUG you have ever seen!!
Such a big girl!!

Heading up to the first house

Walking around the neighborhood with Daddy

Love her face in this one!

Best buds {and seriously, doesn't my husband have the bluest eyes EVER sigh..}

I will be writing another post soon {I hope} about Halloween and being the mother of a child with severe food allergies...not fun, let me tell you!


  1. Your neighborhood is gorgeous. But outshone by your cute ladybug. When we had a house and had trick or treaters the littlest kids always would get the candy and then walk in like 'we're here to visit. You got any juice?' It was so much fun. I'm glad your hubby got to be home this year.

  2. she is so cute! love your little ladybug!

  3. She is such a cute little lady bug! So cute!!! Preston had a hard time with remembering the thank you's when we were trick or treating too. So much pressure! And I have to tell you I love your purse!


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