A Year in Review - 2010

Skip and I rang in the New Year with a quiet evening at home while this little girl slept soundly

Little M and I helped Skip celebrate his 28th birthday

 My little sis and I threw a giant surprise party for our older sister's 30th birthday!

Little M was able to attend a birthday party for one of her friends!

We got tons of snow, so Little M and I spent a lot of time snuggling up on the couch

We did also play outside a lot though

We celebrated Valentine's Day as a little family of three
We took our first family roadtrip to Florida!

Little M loved staying in the hotels

We made a pit stop at the Marine Corps Museum

A huge rainstorm made our backyard into a lake

But it was worth it to see this girl in a raincoat

Little M celebrated her second Easter

We took her to a local petting zoo

And took lots of walks as a family

We had some playdates

Little M and I went to an aquarium in CT to meet up with my old college roomie

As the weather got warmer, we spent alot of time outside

Little M helped me celebrate Mother's Day

And she just got cuter every day

We got Little M a playhouse to play in

And had some more playdates

We took a trip to the beach to visit my big sis

I had a great night out with two of my girls

To see Bon Jovi open the New Giants Stadium

Lots of beach time

And snuggling

Little M found a new love of dressing up...in my blothes

We went to the local park to celebrate Father's Day

Little M went on a carousel for the first time

This guy fell right out this window while sleeping {he was okay..but funnies thing EVER}

We celebrated our nation's holidays

And spent more time at the beach

We went to the wedding of one of our friends

Little M moved out of the highchair and into a booster seat

Skip and I celebrated five years of wedding bliss...and our first overnight away from Little M


We visited a local park alot

We took a family day trip up to the aquarium in CT

And spent more time at the beach

We moved Little M's carseat so it was front face-facing

We spent lots of time at the park

We soaked up the last few weeks of summer as a family of 3

We took a final 'warm-weather' trip to the beach

I redid our master bedroom

We had a family movie night


Skip ran an 18-mile race down the shore

We found out we were expecting baby #2!!!

Little M got her first big girl haircut

We spent lots of time playing in the leaves

I turned 28!

We went pumpkin picking

And then carved them together

We took the cutest little lady bug trick-or-treating


My big sister took Little M's Christmas picture

We celebrating Thanksgiving with my family

Somebody very special turned TWO

It will be her last birthday celebrated as an only child

My belly continued to grow

We took a relaxing trip to the beach for a week

We decorated for Christmas

We enjoyed a peaceful Christmas

And my belly got even bigger

Santa made a stop by our house and spoiled a very good little girl

We had a giant blizzard to close out the year

2010 was a wonderful year for my family.  While I'm sad to see it go, I'm excited to see what {and who} 2011 will bring us!  Hope you all have a wonderful night!


  1. Cute layout!

    Looks like 2010 was a great year for you and your family! Best wishes for a happy and healthy 2011.

  2. I love this! I love seeing what you guys were up to throughout 2010. A big summary. I need to do one of these on my blog!

    And I'm still super jealous of the remodel you did to your bedroom! Plus seriously how super cute is that picture of Little M facing the beach! And your belly! I'm feeling some serious baby belly fever over here! :)


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