2011 - Who Knows What it Will Bring?

Last year, I wrote down all the resolutions I was hoping to accomplish by the end of 2010.  And I have to admit, I did pretty well with them.

1. I definitely worked out more last year than I had the previous year.  I ran a decent amount, took walks, and did a variety of workout DVDs.  It did however all fall by the wayside once I got pregnant with the New Baby and was hugging the toilet most of the time, but that's to be expected.

2. Not sure if I was a better blogger or not.  I have gained a lot of friends through blogging, so I think it's a success!

3. We did not really beef up our savings as much as I wanted to, but we actually made that choice not to.  Instead we put all extra money towards paying off Skip's car.  We have about 2 or 3 more payments left and we'll be done!  We will have paid it off over a year earlier than it was due, and our only debt will be our mortgage then, so I'm pretty happy.

4. We are always in the process of organize and getting rid of excess stuff.  We have made better use of some rooms and furniture pieces this year which I'm happy about.

5. I can happily say that I really did start to achieve a pretty good balance between mom, wife, and myself this year.  Skip and I made sure to give each other an hour every day to have some alone time to do what we wanted.  We made time for each other as a couple, and spent the rest of the time doting on our little girl.  Not sure what adding a new baby to the mix will do, but we'll see!

6. Mr. B is still not well trained.  Whoops.

7. Full success on this last resolution.  I had a very toxic friendship that was very difficult for me to let go, but I finally did.  Much more freeing now!

I've been trying to come up with a list of resolutions for 2011, but it's really hard this year!  Having a baby in June makes things tough because I honestly don't know what life will look like in our house once New Baby makes his/her arrival.  So while of course I want to keep saving, decluttering, and lose all my baby weight {once I finish putting it on that is} I'm writing up a specific list.  Instead I would like to make this the year that I address the things that bug me.  If something breaks, I will fix it right away.  If a piece of furniture is not working the way we have it, I will move it or get rid of it.  If I can't fit into any of my clothes post-baby, I'll start hitting up the gym.  I won't let dirty clothes pile up in our room.  Things like that.  I have already started this, and I'm liking it!  What are your resolutions or goals for 2011...and have you stuck to them so far?


  1. I have a feeling my long list of 2011 Goals is a bit ambitious considering we'll be welcoming a baby in February ...


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