Drop-side Cribs

When I was pregnant with Little M, I searched a long time to find just the right crib.  I wanted it to be relatively inexpensive {I mean does anyone really pay $900 for a crib?!?!} cute, functional, and last a long time.  I focused specifically on convertible cribs because I wanted something I could use as a toddler bed, and that at least one of our kids could use as a full-size bed.  I also wanted a crib that I could use for all of my kids {wasn't sure how many we would have at the time}  I also wanted a drop-side crib.

Okay, no before you judge, at the time, there were no recalls on drop-sides that I was aware of.  My sisters and I had all slept soundly in drop-sides and turned out just find.  And the ability to easily take the baby in and out of the crib without straining my back was really appealing.

So a few months before Little M was born, we can home with this crib, the Graco Lauren 4 in 1 drop-side crib.

photo from Walmart.com

We have loved it since we got it.  It has been safe, sturdy, and fulfilled every wish we had for a crib.

But here's the problem.  As I'm sure most of you know, they have recently banned all drop-side cribs.  It is illegal to sell them.  So while our crib was never recalled, and we never had a problem with it, I don't like the idea of using it for the New Baby.  Especially when I can use it as a toddler, and then full-size bed for Little M.

As much as I didn't want to buy a whole new crib for our second baby, I think this arrangement actually works out for the best.  Now I am not stressing about moving Little M to a big girl bed before the baby comes.  We are going to convert it to a toddler bed soon, but she can stay in that for as long as she wants too.  This will help with the fact that she will be moving into a new bigger room so the baby can have the nursery.  It is fun to be looking at cribs again too.  It's been helping me get excited for the New Baby's arrival.

So what are your thoughts on the drop-side cribs.  Do you have one?  Would you keep using one if you had it?


  1. We are moving Landen up to a twin bed, and re-assembling our convertible crib for the baby. We didn't purchase a drop-side crib. I don't think I even heard of them until the recalls! Personally, I think experience and intuition is key here - if you're comfortable with your decisions, then that is what matters!

  2. This may cause a ruckus, but Jack is in an original drop-down crib from the 1960's. My two cousins, my sister and I, and her two boys used it before Jack. We love it, and it's probably considered illegal to even use anymore. No one has ever had a problem with it, and we've all loved it. They built things to last in the good ol' days! :)

  3. Funny, we bought the same crib you pictured, but not the drop-side version. Although we haven't used it it yet (still waiting on the baby), I love how it looks and seems very sturdy. Also, it was on the inexpensive side which we liked. Best of luck in your search!

  4. If they didn't kill babies, I would love a drop side crib since I'm short and it's hard to reach over a standard crib (especially now that I'm preggo with our 2nd -- my belly doesn't allow me a lot of room for maneuvering). However, before we bought our daughter's crib, I had heard a LOT about how dangerous the drop side ones were so we avoided them as options from the start.

  5. I think you are wise to just turn the old crib into a bed for Little M and get a new crib for the baby. Would your baby most likely be fine in the drop side? Yeah, probably. But, its just not a risk worth taking. I had one with my two older boys and honestly felt like the drop side feature was more of a pain and never really even used it. I like the look and sturdiness of the solid cribs much better, and the one we have had for the two littles has been wonderful

  6. We love our drop side! It's some italian brand. I can't remember, but it is very good quality and we've never had any probs. I just saw some gorgeous fancy pics of a round crib that I just loved over at Design Dazzle and I really want one o those now! I am so short that without a drop side I wouldn't be able to pick up our babies! We also have friends that put their babies in full sized beds frmo the beginning and then they don't have to deal with transitioning from crib to bed. They just put guard rails all around and by the time they are a toddler they don't even use them anymore. I don't think we will ever try that but interesting all the same. I'll be curious to see what you end up doing.

  7. We didn't use a drop side crib for Preston. Not because I was worried about them then but because we fell in love with a crib that wasn't dropside. My niece sleeps in a dropside crib, one that hasn't been recalled, and my SIL isn't worried about it. I'm not sure what I would do. Preston crib does covert to the toddler bed and then the full bed, so like you we plan on buying a new crib when we get pregnant again. I figure Preston's crib converts so we might as well keep using it so we don't have to buy him a toddler bed and then a regular bed. It made up for the extra expense of the crib. Or at least that's what I convinced myself when we fell in love with the crib! lol. Plus we bought the matching dressers so it's a set and I'd hate to break it up! Good luck shopping! There are so many cute cribs out there!


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