I Will Fight You Pregnancy Hormones

Let's play a little game called "What's wrong with this picture?"

No it's not that my bedroom is ridiculously messy. {though that is true..not all the time though, I swear!}

If it's that I still sleep with a stuffed bunny, you'd be wrong too. {though that is also true...he makes a great pillow!}

Yes I know I look much further along than 17 weeks pregnant, but that's not it either.

Give up?  Check out my hair.  It's brown.  As in opposite of blond, brown.  Now I know most of you will be utterly shocked when I tell you this, but I am not a natural blond.  I was as a kid, but once puberty hit my strands began to darker.  But I revolted.  I have a slight obsession with love being blond.  And I have been {with help obviously} for the last 10 years or so, with the exception of my pregnancy with Little M.

I didn't color my hair at all with my first pregnancy.  I had a slight concern about the chemicals, and thought it would be good to give my hair a little break.  But I was miserable.  I was huge, my face was constantly breaking out, and I spent the entire 9 months feeling the total opposite of pretty.

So this pregnancy I was determined to changed that.  There's nothing I can do about the giant belly or breakouts, but I still wanted to be my blond self.  I was not worried about the chemicals or fumes this time because my BFF is now a licensed hair dresser who comes to my house to do my hair.  {I have to admit, this feels as rock star as it sounds, haha}  So armed with an okay from my doctor, no ammonia hair dye, and a well-ventilated kitchen, we were ready to attack the three inch roots that had grown during the first trimester.  The hair dye was in fact left over from when L colored my hair a very light blond this summer.  She got to work and we gossip while we sat and waited for it to process.  But let me tell you, we were both shocked when it was time to rinse.  My hair was brown.  Like really brown.  It was a nice color, but not exactly what I was hoping for.  Unfortunately it seems as though I am in that small percent of the population whose pregnancy hormones can effect hair color.  Lucky me.

L and I have decided not to let them win though, and tonight she is coming over to hopefully put in as many light blond highlights as my hair will allow!!  I will be blond again before June....I will prevail pregnancy hormones!!

So hopefully I will be posting a new picture tomorrow with my gorgeous blond hair.  {or quietly admitting defeat and remaining brunette for the rest of this pregnancy} Let's hope for the former!


  1. I firmly believe in doing what makes you feel pretty when you're pregnant!

    Also, I sleep with the same pillow since I was four - I LOVE IT.

  2. Wow, I have never heard of this side affect. Weird!!

  3. Huh. I didn't know that could happen. If the highlights don't work you can always go the lemon juice route.

  4. You look super pretty as a brunette!!!!!!!!

  5. I actually think you look great as a brunette!

  6. I like your hair brown! And I LOVE your outfit! You look too cute for a pregnant person! Especially one who is sick all day!

    PS My bedroom is usually messy! And I still have my blanket from when I was a baby and only put it away recently bc Preston likes it too and it's so old that it's falling apart and I'm afraid he'll tear it up!


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