More Sickies

You must excuse my lack of blogging the past week, but the sickies have taken over our whole house!  Little M's fever is all gone, but she is developing a cold.  And Skip and I are both sick now as well!  Between this and the 15 weeks of morning sickness I've been dealing with, I'm done!!  Seriously.  I'm quarantining us in our house until we are all better.  Or until spring comes.  Whichever comes first.  It's really a toss up these days.  Be back once I've crawled out from underneath this giant pile of tissues!


  1. hope you all feel better soon!hang in there :)

  2. Hope you feel better soon! It absolutely stinks being sick while you're pregnant.. :(

  3. I hope you all feel better soon! Being sick is just not fun at all! :(

  4. Hope you guys feel better soon!!!


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