Pregnancy Update - Week 16

Why am I always a day behind on posting this?

How far along - 16 weeks

Maternity clothes - I wear maternity jeans or yoga pants / sweats...all my shirts are non-maternity.  I have a very limited 'pregnant in the winter' wardrobe since I had Little M in November, so I was happy to receive some gift cards for Christmas and bought 11 new shirts yesterday that actually fit.  Happy to not have to wear sweatshirts all the time now!

Weight gain - 15 lbs

Stretch marks - none 

Belly Button - still in but getting a little more shallow

Sleep - Good recently, you know other than getting up 3 and 4 times a night to use the bathroom

Best moment this week - Getting more clothes that fit...I'm tired of looking so frumpy

Movement - Every day now!  Not really strong kicks yet, but definitely bumps.  Can't feel it from the outside yet though

Food I'm loving - I have to eat constantly to help keep the nausea away {hence the 15 lbs weight gain} I mainly want to eat pizza, bagels, and candy

Food I'm hating - Anything healthy, whoops...although I have been able to eat more salads and yogurt recently

Symptoms - NAUSEA!!! face breaking out, exhaustion, and headaches, though I think the Zofran is causing those.  I'm really so done with feeling like I have the stomach flu all day long.  It has to end eventually right?

Gender - We're going to be surprised!  My face looks different, so I think girl, but I had a dream the other night and in it we had a boy.  So I have no idea

What I'm looking forward to - not being sick

What I miss - not being sick

Weekly wisdom - Even if you're feeling sick and huge, making the effort to put on real clothes and makeup really makes a difference

Milestones - Feeling movement!

Emotions - Trying to keep them a little more stable.  Not sure if it's working


  1. I hope you feel better soon. Yay on clothes that fit!

  2. I am still nauseous, too. We had an u/s last Friday and our little one was kicking/punching up a storm. Now, my DH says she is practicing tae bo. lol. I cannot feel her movement yet, but it sure is there. Feel better soon.

  3. ((HUGS)) I hope you feel better soon!!!

  4. Okay, clearly I am way, way late on this but CONGRATULATIONS on the pregnancy! So exciting.

  5. I am so sorry that you have been so sick!! I hated that nauseated feeling, if the pizza and bagels help keep it away, I would keep on eating it!! Hoping soon it will go away!!


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