Pregnancy Update - Week 20

How far along - 20 weeks
Maternity clothes - yup, along with lots of sweats and yoga pants

Weight gain - 18 lbs I think

Stretch marks - none

Belly Button - still in but barely!

Sleep - Good recently, you know other than getting up 3 and 4 times a night to use the bathroom. I am so much more tired this trimester than last...can't figure out why
Best moment this week - Getting to the halfway mark!!  Let's hope this second half of the pregnancy goes by even quicker
Movement - Every day now! Not really strong kicks yet, but definitely bumps. Can't feel it from the outside yet though

Food I'm loving - Ice water, Mountain Dew, Mike and Ike's and Salt and Vinegar chips {which I hated before I was pregnant}
Food I'm hating - Depends on the day really...not a huge fan of chicken, or anything too heavy or greasy

Symptoms - Some swelling {awesome} face breaking out, back pain, NAUSEA!!! Seriously, I'm over it.  It is much better during the day, but getting worse at night.  This pregnancy is kicking my butt.
Gender - Not sure yet if we're going to find out.  I'm thinking boy these days
What I'm looking forward to - Finally being halfway done and having our anatomy scan on Thursday.  Can't wait to see the New Baby moving around!!
What I miss - All my clothes, not getting tired doing simple tasks, being able to pick up Little M comfortably
Weekly wisdom - Eat slowly, try to get things done on the days you do feel well

Milestones - Halfway there!!!!
Emotions - Frustrated that I'm still nauseous...conflicted if I want to find out the gender or not


  1. Can you believe we are 20wks!?! Half way there. I am so excited for all of us.

  2. I'm so excited for you. And I can't believe it's been 20 weeks already.

  3. I can't believe you're already 20 weeks!! I'm sure you don't feel that way. haha.

    I'm so sorry you're STILL sick. Does the zofran not help at all?? I took phenegren (sp?) when I was pregnant & that was a God send.

    Just a thought ;)

  4. I gave you an award on my blog!

  5. Aww. Hang in there...the nausea will stop soon (hopefully)!! And you're already halfway there. SO exciting!!! :)

  6. Hey.... I'm soooo sorry I haven't been around lately....

    I kinda have a few questions for you.... Can you email me??

    LOL! I sound like a creeper and totally don't mean to!!! lol

    I can't wait to know what you're having!!!!! :-)


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