The Sickies

Skip and I have been very lucky as parents for the past two years.  Besides the fact that Little M is totally awesome, she has been sick exactly twice in her life.  No really.  She had pink eye when she was about 3 months old, and back in November she had a slight 24 hour stomach bug.  Both weren't too much of a big deal.  However that all changed yesterday.

I knew something was wrong when Little M slept until 11:00 yesterday morning!!!  I mean my girl likes to sleep and is rarely up before 8:30, but this was crazy.  We took her downstairs and she had some milk, but didn't want breakfast.  We figured it was because she slept so late so we held of until lunch.  But after only a few bites of one of her favorite meals, she wanted to get down.  She then proceeded to curl up on the couch like this

Definitely strange.  She felt a little warm to me when I put her down for a nap, but no real fever registered.  However when I went to go get her from her nap, she was burning up.  I took her temp again and it was 102*!!!  I didn't panic, but part of me wanted too.  My baby had a fever, her very first fever!

Instead of freaking out, I gave Little M some Tylenol and an ice pop, and we curled up on the couch for the rest of the night.  I pushed as much juice and water into her as she would let me, and was happy that her fever was down to about 100* when she fell asleep for the night.

I was hopeful that a good night's sleep would break the fever, but when it was still 101* this morning, Skip and I decided to call the doctor.  We were just concerned since it's not like her to run a fever.  We got her an appointment this morning and we very happy when the doctor said it was just a virus.  Tylenol and rest were the only medicines she would need.  

Skip took off the day from work to take care of his girls.  It is heartbreaking to see my little girl in any sort of pain or discomfort, but it was nice to spend the afternoon relaxing on the couch with my two favorites.  

Little M was much cooler when we put her down tonight, so I am hoping the worst is over now.  I'm not sure how much longer my two year old will feel like resting.  I hope she's back to her regular dancing and jumping self soon!

{and say a little prayer I don't catch what she had...fevers and pregnant ladies don't mix!}


  1. Awww..Poor baby girl! I hope she gets better soon! :(

  2. Aww. I hope she feels better fast. And that you don't get it.

  3. aww poor lovie!! I hope she is feeling better and that you don't catch it!

  4. Poor thing! I hope she is feeling much better and you stay healthy!

  5. Poor baby! That is amazing that it her first fever! Hope she is feeling better soon!

  6. poor babe :( she looks pitiful! hopefully she gets to feeling better soon and that you say away from the sickness!

  7. Poor girl! It's rough when the little ones are sick! :( I hope she starts feeling better and you don't catch it!


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