Would You Want to Know?

When I was pregnant with Little M, Skip and I both decided to wait until she was born to find out the sex of the baby.  We like to do things the old-fashioned way sometimes and we thought the surprise would be fun.  It was a little tough to wait, but really only the last few weeks or so.  We registered for all gender-neutral stuff {which is great if we have a boy next} and had names picked out for either a boy or a girl.  And there really was nothing better than that moment the doctor said, "It's a girl!"  We loved getting to annouce it to everyone that our little one was here and it was a girl! 

So when we got pregnant with this New Baby we obviously decided to wait to find out again.  We're all set with enough gender-neutral stuff and we loved waiting with Little M, so why not.  But here's the problem.  I'm starting to get antsy.  Really antsy.  I want to know if I can leave all the pink accents up in the nursery. Will I get to resuse all of Little M's girlie clothes?  Will I all of a sudden have to learn what do with a boy baby? And maybe it would be fun to know whether this thing kicking me is a boy or girl.  Maybe it would help me bond with it and think of it more than the thing that is STILL making me sick.  It also doesn't help that my 20 week anatomy scan is this coming Thursday and we could find out then.

So I'm stuck.  I don't know what to do.  I want to be surprised and surprise everyone else.  But I also want to know.  I don't know what to do!  Skip still really wants to be surprised and we agreed we will make this decision together.  We either find out together or will be suprised together.  So we will probably end up waiting.  But a tiny piece of me still wants to know!  So I don't know.

What about you?  How many of you waited to find out the sex, or want to wait if you haven't had kids yet.  How many found out?  Did you regret your decision either way? Would you wait/find out again?


  1. I want to find out when we have kids. Huzzy doesn't want to know. So we will wait. *sigh*

  2. I had to find out. It wasn't even an option for me to wait, I knew I couldn't make it! Luckily Brad was anxious to find out too! I wanted to be able to start calling baby by his/her name instead of just baby. By the time that Preston arrived it was almost as if we all knew him already. My Mom always said that when my littlest sister arrived she seemed to know her name since that's who she was when we all talked to her while my Mom was pregnant. Plus I loved being able to shop for him and we did a lot of blue in the nursery once we found out boy!

    My next one we'll find out again, but I want to do a gender party. Where you get your family and friends together and announce boy or girl in a cute way! Everyone wears blue or pink based on what they think you're having. I like the idea of putting blue or pink frosting in the inside of cupcakes and when everyone bites into their cupcakes they find out what we're having!

    I'm dying to know what you're having if my vote counts! :)

  3. when I was pregnant with Goose I did NOT want to know at all - I love surprises. Hubs, on the other hand, as well as my sister, were DYING to find out... so we compromised. Sister went with me to appointment (hubs was sleeping, was a work night) and we had the Ultrasound Tech write down Goose's gender on a piece of paper and put it in a sealed envelope - she also confirmed to sister what Goose was... I took envelope home & gave to hubs (AFTER we narrowed names down to three of each gender) and they were both forbidden to tell ANYONE for the remaining fie months... and they did an amazing job!! They didn't even discuss it with each other. There were a few times (when purchasing baby clothes) that one of us would see something really cute that was NOT gender neutral and I was tempted to ask (actually did ask my sister once, but she wouldn't tell me) or that Hubs would say "are you SURE I can't tell you??" and I was so surprised and happy when they said "it's a girl!" when she was born :) If/when we have another though, I think I'll find out... for the exact reasons that you mentioned, our nursery is neutral, and we have a lot of gender neutral stuff for newborn & 0-3 - but we have soooo much PINK stuff (it's still growing on me, I've never been much of a pink girl, but with a baby girl, it was inescapable!) and I'd like to know if I need to start buying boy stuff, or washing the stuff we already have :) might still keep it from others though - we'll see. Not even trying for #2 yet though, we've got time to decide still. :)

  4. When we were TTCing, we wanted to be surprised and that is what we planned. I think you should wait and be surprised again but even if you don't wait, you will be surprised when you learn "it's a boy or it's a girl from the ultrasound. I have a feeling you're going to need lots of BLUE!! :)

  5. I have a little boy, and we found out when I was about 8 weeks pregnant. My husband could NOT wait until my ultrasound so he bought that baby gender mentor thing just to find out. It was right! If we ever have another one, I would find out again. There's no way I could wait.

  6. I think if he REALLY wants to wait and you are unsure then its best to wait. :) I found out with all of mine, but it wasn't an issue because we both wanted to know.

  7. My DH and I paid to find out early. But, my u/s and 20 week anatomy scan is this Wednesday. I am glad we know. Now I am decorating up a girl room. I originally wanted to wait, but my DH wanted to know asap. I ended up getting antsy and so we found out.

  8. I want to know when I have children. I feel like it is still a surprise since you have to wait until 20 weeks and then you have the 2nd half of the pregnancy to plan and prepare knowing the gender. My mom was surprised when she had me but found out when she had my brother.

  9. I found out with CB, but will not find out with the next one. The anticipation and excitement will be overwhelming but I think in the end it will be SO much fun finding out with everyone at the end. I believe it will also make labor/delivery a little bit more exciting as well, lol.

  10. I had to find out with BG. There is no way I could have waited. My hubs wanted to wait, but he went with what I wanted. The next one I think we might wait, but then again, I love knowing. I like putting a name to the babe and personalizing everything.. To each his own though. Do what you want!

  11. I think I'd want to know... for the bonding experience like you said! And also to be ready with a name.

    Either way is fine though.. cause as a surprise it's like opening a present on Christmas!!


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