Dreary Winter Blues

Wow, I totally didn't think I had been neglecting my poor blog this badly!  The days all just seem to blend together recently into a mix of nausea, snow, and freezing temperatures.  Seriously, it's a big week if I leave the house more than once.  Sad.  I also tried going off my Zofran this weekend, hoping that I was getting better and I could power through without it.  BAD IDEA.  I'm okay with taking it three days a week for the rest of my pregnancy.  So my lack of blogging has really been more of a lack of anything interesting to blog about.

We did have our big 20 week ultrasound last Thursday!  We were in there for an hour and a half {baby was not really cooperating and letting the tech get all the pictures she needed} and it was so great to get to see the baby that long.  In answer to the big question of should we or should we not find out the sex of the baby.....we did! {sorry to all those of you who asked me and I said I didn't...I panicked! haha}  However, we have decided to keep it a secret! It's the best of both worlds for us.  We can prepare properly for the baby, but still get to make the big announcement once New Baby makes its appearance. 

I do promise to try and get back into blogging a little more regularly.  I have lots of exciting posts coming up in the future, some blog awards, a CSN review, and a new really exciting shopping opportunity!  Thanks for sticking with me!


  1. Aww, congrats! I understand about the nausea. Uggh. I had it really bad for months 1-3. Uggh. I was on meds too, and when I'd go off of it, I'd regret it. lol. Hope it goes well for you and lets up soon. :) Yeah, sometimes I get out of blogging too - it happens. Especially when your little one comes along. lol. I have, at times, blogged with one hand and hand holding baby and bottle in another. Not really worth it. ha ha. Have a great week! :)

  2. Yuck about the nausea. I know just how horrible it can be! I was sick for the first six months, then went on bed rest. It was a.w.f.u.l. but hopefully you will be feeling better in no time. I think finding out the sex and not telling anyone is a wonderful idea. =) Surprises are always fun! Have a wonderful week!

  3. How awesome that you got to see baby for an hour and a half! Hurray for baby not cooperating! :) I'm so excited for baby to make his/her ( ;) )appearance!!! If only the next few months would fly by!!


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