Five Question Friday

1. Can you drive stick shift? 
Nope, and I refuse to try.  Skip thinks every person should learn just in case {just in case of what I'm not sure} but I have no interest.

2. What are two foods you just can't eat? 
Just two?  I am seriously the world's pickiest eater.  But I guess if I had to chose just two it would be beef of any kind and peas.....ewwwwww

3. Do you buy Girl Scout cookies?  What is your favorite kind?
I know that I'm in a tiny minority with this, but I don't really have a huge obsession with Girl Scout cookies.  I bought them from my kids when I was a teacher, but I haven't since.  When I do eat them though, Thin Mints are my fav!

4. How do you pamper yourself?
Mani/pedi, laying out at the beach, shopping by myself!

5. What is your nickname and how did you get it?
I have a few, but the most unique I guess is Wubbie.  Only Skip calls me that though.  He made it up because he says he "Wubbie {would be} loneley without me!


  1. I love this "Five Questions" thing - too cute!

  2. I have no desire to drive stick either ;) Laying out at the beach sounds wonderful, there is snow outside right now :(
    ~From 5?F

  3. I am so glad that I am not the only one who doesn't know how to drive a stick and doesn't care to learn! But how do you not love girl scout cookies?! I get so excited when I see those stands for cookies! And then I buy way too many boxes and forbid Brad from touching any of my Thin Mint boxes! lol


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