Pregnancy Update - Week 22

How far along - 22 weeks

Maternity clothes - yup, along with lots of sweats and yoga pants

Weight gain - 22 lbs I think?  I would love if this would slow down!  I also must be the only person in the world who is nauseous all the time but has to keep eating and keeps gaining lots of weight

Stretch marks - none

Belly Button - still in but very shallow

Sleep - I loooooove sleeping.  I swear I am way more tired the second trimester than the first.  It's a little harder to get comfortable but not bad.  Sleeping is the only time I don't feel nauseous so it's my favorite thing!

Best moment this week - It wasn't this past week, but it was great getting to see the baby for an hour and a half on the ultrasound....and finding out what we're having!

Movement - Every day now! I can feel it moving and kicking a lot

Food I'm loving - Lots and lots of carbs, candy, salad, salt and vinegar chips

Food I'm hating - Diet Coke:( Chicken is hit or miss as well

Symptoms - Some swelling {awesome} face breaking out, NAUSEA!!! Seriously I'm done.  I tried going off Zofran last week and I could not stop throwing up.  When will it end??

Gender - Okay, so we know..but we're going to surprise everyone else!  I'll post a poll as we get closer to the due date so everyone can guess!

What I'm looking forward to - not being sick and June?

What I miss - my clothes fitting

Weekly wisdom - You can't be pregnant forever?

Milestones - Being past the halfway mark....I keep telling myself it's all downhill from here!!

Emotions - Depends on the day.  If I'm feeling okay then I'm happy.  Days I feel sick are pretty depressing.  Oh how I wish I was one of those women who loves being pregnant!!

I'll snap some pictures today on our Valentine's adventures so you can see the belly!


  1. I hope you can make it through! :) You said you wished that you were one of those ones that love pregnancy. I'll tell you this...I LOVED pregnancy with my first and this second one is not so great so even if you love it doesn't mean you'll love it again. :) I can't wait to see pics and find out what you're having. I'm a little over a month behind you! :)

  2. This is such a great blog - 22 weeks - way to go...

    happy v-day

    Love to you
    I've Become My Mother

  3. I would love to sleep. lol. I have an almost 4 year old and a 4 month almost 4 year old doesn't take naps anymore. Unfortunately. :( So I never get to sleep...but oh how I envy you with the nap thing. lol. Mmm...I craved Caf. Free sweet tea, and dark chocolate. :)

  4. Seriously I can't believe you know and you're not telling!!!!! I can't take it!!

  5. I keep telling myself the same thing...You can't be pregnant forever. And thank God for that.

  6. 22 weeks! you are more than halfway there! hang in there girl!

  7. As much as I love you, I am going to say this in the most loving way...YOU SUCK!!! You are mean to keep his or her gender a secret. :) I'm just messing with you!! Congrats on moving out and getting your own place.


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